what the....



  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    Well if I had a pic of my husband uncle I could prove it is not a waste of time. He used to be over 300 lbs and between ridding bike/spinning in the winter months and hiking/walking he is now about 175ish maybe less and now it is nothing for him to do 30 miles+ during bike races.

    Wow - you married your uncle? :tongue:
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    If you're out of breath and sweating buckets, then it's worth it.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    Well if I had a pic of my husband uncle I could prove it is not a waste of time. He used to be over 300 lbs and between ridding bike/spinning in the winter months and hiking/walking he is now about 175ish maybe less and now it is nothing for him to do 30 miles+ during bike races.

    Wow - you married your uncle? :tongue:

    Isn't that illegal?
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,417 Member
    I spin 3 days a week and it is the ONLY cardio workout besides running that gets my heart rate really up there and burns any significant amount of calories. I burn between 400-475 calories for a 45 minute class per my HRM depending on the ride profile and that's not chump change! If you like it, keep doing it!
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    I tried to post the link but I suck at it!!! LOL. I LOVE SPIN!! Of course I know that along with exercise you must diet to get the best results and that is what I'm doing. I told my spin instructor today what I read and she said "thats bullsh**" lol. There will always be people to knock whatever exercise, diet, you're on. I am going to continue doing what I enjoy. Thanks for all of your comments!!!
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    What?! If you are working hard, getting your HR up and burning cals, why would it be a waste of time? I spin once a week and have been for years, and it STILL kicks my *kitten* every time! I didn't have a significant amount of weight to lose and I do it in combination with a lot of running and strength training, so I can't pinpoint Spinning to weight loss, but if you do it with other workouts and pay attention to your diet, I'm certain it is effective for weight loss. Plus, if you love it, you should do it. That's how you'll stick at it!
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    i can see what he's trying to say, but he's going about it in a very 'national enquirer shock you with a big headline' kind of way.

  • dianediaz
    dianediaz Posts: 53 Member
    I thought I should give my 2 cents here on this topic of Spinning being a waste of time. My thoughts come from the fact that I do triathlons but began my physical fitness with Spinning and then took up running, road cycling and triathlons. So, I think I have a good amount of experience on this topic.

    I did read the article that you referenced in your post. And I think it's a good idea to just look at what he is saying with a bit of perspective. I would tend to agree with the article author that you can't rely completely upon Spinning for your cardio. Over time your body will adjust to the routine of this activity and become much more efficient. Therefore, the effort that is required will be less and, thus, the calorie burn will be less. Also, I can tell you that he is absolutely right about the fact that running does burn more calories because it's harder strictly because of the fact that you are using your own body to support and move your own weight versus having some support from the spin bike. And, there is also a huge difference between spin cycling/indoor cycling and road cycling. I do both and I'm here to tell ya, they are not at all the same. In fact, I stopped using Spinning to replace times that I could not ride on the road and instead purchased a bike trainer so that I could ride my road bike inside. And that only comes somewhat close to actually cycling outside.

    Now with all of that said I really and truly think that the main point that you should take from his article is that it will be more effective if you mix up your cardio and try to do a little of everything. I would not say to cut out Spinning completely. Particularly for those individuals who are new to exercise and/or who may be very overweight, Spinning is a safe and effective way to get moving and to get used to what it feels like to exert oneself, etc. But, as you lose weight and become more fit, adding in some other activities like running will be a huge boost to calorie burn.

    So I would say to get the best calorie burn and overall physical training and fitness toward achievement of your goals, I would suggest that you do a variety of cardio activities.

    Just a few thoughts. Hope this helps!
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    the guys web site uses an example of

    These calorie expenditure numbers are based on a man weighing 180 lbs.
    Stationary Cycling (moderate intensity): 572 kcal/hour

    less BMR apprxo 80kcals leave a net deficit of 500 Kcals

    therefore 7 hours of spinning - 1lb weight loss

    his artical promotes load bearing exercise as a better option with higher energy usage
    this would also be with higher risks of injury as well
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    you're doing a solid cardio. that's a good burn! i can only hope that they meant that you need to add some strength training in there. but for cardio - this is one of the best workouts out there. i call BUNKUM!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Any exercise will be ineffective at weight loss IF you compensate by replacing the burned calories with more consumed calories. What I mean by this is if you are calorie counting, its not an issue as long as you always ensure a net deficit. If you aren't counting, then chances are you will naturally compensate and cancel out the exercise. That is why diet is far more important than exercise in weight loss efforts. If the diet isn't right, you can run marathons and will continue gaining weight.
  • latinqueencee
    latinqueencee Posts: 120 Member
    Usually the spin class I take is a split class, 40-45 minutes of spin and 15-20 minutes of strength training with kettlebell or small weights, I do this 3-4 times a week and started about a week and a half maybe 2 weeks ago. Although I havent noticed a scale victory I FEEL GREAT!!! and ultimately that is what is important, isnt It? Plus I love hearing "You have to stop losing weight" because the numbers arent moving but i am looking thinner I suppose. So who's spinnning with me Wednesday? :)
  • paul121703lilly
    I love spin and when I was at 24 hour fitness taking classes I dropped weight like crazy.. I would burn 1100+ cals per hour.

    I take spin class at 24 hour fitness, and I don' think I will ever run a treadmill ever again.. I never had a cardio workout like this before and I am already down 5 lbs in 2 weeks. I would suggest keeping to it. I have a friend who lost 22 lbs in 9 months just doing spin classes and now she is starting to get into body building along with clean eating. She looks amazing. I would recommend spin to everyone I know if they are looking for a great cardio workout and to drop pounds!