help planning a corp dinner choice...

hi all

we dont have the luxury of calorie counts on all menus yet in the uk...

im out with colleagues tomorrow night at a restaurant and have NO idea what the best choice would be, im not into prawns or seafood really so theyre out but could you guys have a look here and see what youd suggest thats around 600 cals max?


  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    Well, obviously I'd avoid the fried stuff, rice, and noodles as much as possible....What about:

    Pork with mushroom and bamboo shots

    Chicken satay (just go easy with the sauce)

    Great job thinking and planning ahead!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    hmmm maybe, im a bit funny with pork if i havent cooked it though... and i had it for dinner last night and have it tonight lol..

    the steamed sea bass looks good... or maybe the chicken satay with the mixed veg stir fry?