
Hi All! I have been on this site for a week now and I thought i should introduce myself instead of just lurking!! I find as I get into this calorie counting thing, i tend to talk about it alot which annoys my friends and family so i figured i'd talk to people who have the same thing on their mind!!

I am a 29 year old happily married mum of three girls. I've lost 2.5 st on slimming world but I feel like i've come to the end of the road with it now as unlimited food to me means "stuff your face"!! LOL. My portion control went out of the window with SW so i'm going it alone with good old fashioned calorie counting and exercise.

I started out 2 years ago weighing 249lb and today I weigh 207lb, i'm looking to get to around 150lb.

Helen xx :)


  • Hi Helen, I too have been driving my husband nuts about how many calories are in that and this. What he doesn't know is yesterday's super bowl feast was all made with low-fat or no-fat ingredients :0)
    I am a 33 year old mom of 3 kids and possibly one more later on down the road. I hav tried numerous times to keep the weight off and lose about 20 to 30 pounds each time, then get lazy and gain it all back. I am back on the road to fitness and healthier eating. I am at 240 and want to be about 160.