1 step forward 2 steps back

You would think after a lifetime of dieting I would know what works and stick with it. Why do I keep sabotaging myself. I really think I need more support from people who have been there and are going through it.


  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    Because "dieting" sucks. When you give yourself to many rules you are bound to fail. Let yourself eat what you want just watch your portions. Hit the gym a littler harder so you can have that martinit (or two *cough cough*). That's what I've learned most from this site so far.
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member

    I've just sent you through a friend request to help with the support. We WILL get there :)

  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    Eat from the canadain food guide or american one .. it sure has helping me. Also treat yourself donot cheat your self. if you want a treat fit it into your calories