AM New and need some advice/help

Hi , Am looking to lose 20lbs total. I would love to lose atleast 10 by March 20th. I have tried this before but am not so good at tracking my food. I believe am scared to see what I have ate in one day. Am looking for some support and keep wanting to come back.


  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    Hi. I am fairly new to the MFP site, but I have lost 15 pounds since January 1. The key for me is definitely tracking my food. I have a rule "write it before you bite it". I wish you lots of luck. Add me as a friend if you want to for a little bit of daily support. Good luck!
  • ShelbyBeck414
    welcome!!! I also have 20 pounds to lose..we can do this!!! Stay positive, focused, and remember its one day at a time!!!! Happy Monday!
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    I'm right there with you. I just started this journey last week and found it quite a shocker how many calories i was eatting. I work on it every day and learn what i can to help myself get to where i want to be and to stay there. You can do it! We are all here for the same thing.... to be a healthier, more active and happier with ourselves!
  • kayleen_longworth
    kayleen_longworth Posts: 147 Member
    I have a rule "write it before you bite it".

    So true. You have to know what you are taking in to know if it's worth it. There are always healthier alternatives. Even if it's not the most healthy it's all about moderation. Really get a handle of what you are eating and how you can improve, whether for yourself or your whole family.