Feeling A Little Lost

Hello out there to all you lovely people shedding pounds. I'm looking for a little advise cause I have been having a really hard time loosing weight. So first I'll give you a little backrond. So I am about 5 feet tall and currently weigh about 158 lbs. I have never really been over skinny, always slightly over weight. About two years ago I gave weight watchers a shot and it took be about 5 months to loose 18 lbs (went from 141 to about 122). I was very strict with my weight watchers diet. Never went over my points and I was going to the gym atleast every second day (tried to go every day but didnt always pan out) I stopped doing weight watchers because I felt like I wasnt getting anywhere. Inspite of what the scale said my clothes didnt feel much looser and I didnt feel I had lost any inches. After being done at weight watchers I gained back all the weight I had lost and then got pregnant. During my pregnancy I gained just under 40 pounds. I ended up having an emergancy csection and only lost 16 pounds even though I was breast feeding and trying to eat healthy ( also walking everyday cause I cant sit still) So after not loosing very much baby weight I decided to start a weight loss program cause I missed my pre pragnancy body. So I discovered my fitness pal through a friend. Since then I have been off and on the diet due to no results. I have even tried slimquick. About a month ago I decided to give my fitness pal one last shot and I was going to give it my all. So I tracked every crum I hate and was doing the 30 day shred level one every second day and a fun physical activity (ice skating, swimming, etc) every other day. The first week I lost three pounds (yay!) the next two I lost nothing. Had a rough week last week and gained two of it pack. So I guess my question is Am I doing something wrong? (I see so many women shedding pounds even when they cheat a little) or could there potentially be something wrong with me and should I see my doctor about it? I'm sorry the post is so long but I honestly feel like I am doing something wrong but I have absolutly no idea what it is. This is the most I ever weighed (except during pregnancy) and I really wanted to be at a better weight before my husband and I have another baby. So if you have any advice any at all for me I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your Time.