When did you get rid of your "fat" clothes?

When I started my lifestyle change last March, I was wearing size 18-20. I've since dropped 72lbs and am currently wearing either size 10 or 12.... depending on the clothes. I was just going thru my closet today to clean it out, and while I've packed up two bags to donate, I have a bunch of stuff (sizes 16-20) that I have placed in containers (vs. donating). I'm weary about getting rid of everything... especially some of my larger work clothes that were more expensive. Because I've yo-yo dieted most of my life, I'm afraid, deep down, that my weight will creep back up again and I'll have wasted a lot of money. My plan was to keep some of the nicer things and put them in the attic, and.... if my lifestyle sticks and I never have to use them.... to get rid of them in a year.

For those that have lost a significant amount of weight, what did you do? Did you donate as soon as your clothes became too big? Did you hang on to a few sizes? Any regrets with your decision... regardless of what it was?


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I kept dress pants until the tailor told me she couldn't take them in anymore. I had 2 sets of "fat clothes."
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    I held on smaller sizes hoping I'd get in them one day but bigger ones? No way! I bought many pieces in the last few months, before I started and those I might have resized depending on how much it costs (more than the piece, donation!) until I reach my goal and go buy myself completely new clothes.

    Do you believe in yourself and everything you have accomplished or are you thinking deep down that it won't last and you better keep them? If it's really in the past, don't hold onto them, someone will enjoy them a lot, I'm sure. Plus...it will keep you motivated to not let things slide back down the hill. ;)