Breakfast IS the most important meal

I was reading an article that I saw a link for on MSN and of of the myths about losing weight was this and it's probably one of my favorite because I have learned that this is absolutely true! (for me at least).

I’ll Eat Less If I Skip Breakfast

Drill it into your heads: Skipping breakfast won’t save you calories in the long run. “People have this notion that if they don’t eat breakfast they’ll save calories or can cheat eat later in the day, but it really doesn’t work that way,” says Gerbstadt. “Your body needs food in small increments throughout the day to stay powered, and research shows that people who eat 400 to 600 calories at breakfast are less likely to be overweight.” Starting your day with a morning meal can help jump-start your metabolism by 10% and prevents you from overindulging on snacks and large meals later in the day because you are ravenous.

If you typically don’t feel hungry in the morning, Blatner recommends skipping dinner—just once—to reset your appetite clock. “A lot of times people say they’re not hungry when they wake up because they’d eaten too much for dinner. This way, you’ll wake up naturally hungry.”


  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast. Since I started changing my eating habits I've made sure to eat breakfast every day...even if its just a yogurt or a banana. I feel so much more energetic and I do feel like I make better choices throughout the day as a result.
  • Destinie589
    Same here! I used to skip it but now it is the highlight of my days! I have to have breakfast.