
My friend and I have recently started playing tennis a few times a week. And I looked up how many calories I have been burning and it seems like it is too many, it says for 1 hour of singles I burned 582 calories......If anyone else plays tennis or knows anything can you tell me if this is accurate? Thanks!


  • NeedaSpankin
    It really depends on how vigorously you play and how much you move. If you have great footwork (ie- never standing still) and don't rest for very long in between points, then you can easily burn that much or more. I wear a BodyBugg when I play, and I have had numbers ranging anywhere from 350-650c for an hour of singles and slightly less for doubles. I participated in group class last night where we run drills for the first half (each person waiting their tune in line) and play points for the last half. It was relatively "easy" as far as competition goes, and I still burned close to 350cal during it. It adds up so much faster than walking because you use all your large muscle groups at one time. Enjoy!!