Looking for friends

Hi I am Sophie, I am a 27 year old surveyor who is looking for friends to support and have support from, I hope to lose 20lbs for my wedding however, I am a terrible dieter and I binge eat!

Look forward to hearing from you!


  • Hi Sophie, I'll support you :)
  • Hi Sophie, I will too, I've just started today and I'm a serial failer at diets for the same reason... First day of calorie counting, what are you doing?
  • mcljess
    mcljess Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Jess and I'm 27 and trying this thing out before my wedding! We should totally be friends lol.
    I'm looking to lose aroud 10-20 but just happiest living a healthy lifestyle. I also am a binge eater, have been for a long time. I havne't ever really found a long term cure for that. Anyway, I'm adding you :)
  • Hi, Sophie! Welcome aboard! Feel free to add me. :3
  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    Hello all! My name is Tony and I would be happy to give support in any way possible. I know I too will need all the support I can get. Feel free to add me if you like. That goes for anyone else who may read this.
  • Hi Sophie! I'm in the same boat as you, only trying to lose the weight after having a baby....I've been tracking calories/exercise for 3 weeks now and it's starting to become more of a habit (most days!).

    Keep us updated! Andrea