Losing weight to prepare for pregnancy



  • JennATC
    I am getting married in Nov and would like to get pregnant soon after. My fiance and I have been together for 5 years and I'll be 30 this year, so I want to get going on starting a family. I would like to be at a healthy weight before we conceive so that I can have the best pregnancy I can. Good luck everyone!
    Same boat ! Im glad there's people like me on here :))
  • dinny1232000
    I just got married 8months ago, my hubby is overseas and my plan is to loose 50 pounds before he gets back so we can start our family and I can look sexy for him, lol. I have been praying for twins - a boy and girl, so I really need to loose the weight. I joined a program before this, so I am trying to merge both together and get my weight down. I also need motivation to exercise more and eat less junk. Lets do this together. Please add mii.
  • dinny1232000
    Same shoes Tammy, please add me and lets motivate each other
  • dinny1232000
    I wish you all the best Rainese. :smile: You can add me too.
  • lizbet783
    Hey there! I too am trying to get my body fit for pregnancy. I am 28 and finally was able to quite smoking (was smoking for about 10-11 years) just over a month ago and now I'm ready to get this weight under control. I'm currently at 184 lbs and would like to lose at least 40 lbs if not 55 lbs. I just started with "myfitnesspal" yesterday and also started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred workout video yesterday (and I'm so sore today! lol) in hopes that this will get me to my goals in a smart healthy way. I would too, like to be a part of motivating everyone, because this is definitely not an easy thing to do alone. I'm hoping that I can reach my goals by early to mid summer, cause I am ready to make babies! hehe So if anyone has any tips or advice that have worked for them I would love to hear them! Thanks!!