Advice - Best type of exercise if short for time


I lost 3.5 stone in about a year and up until sept had been exercising 5 times a week around 1.5-2.5 hours a time. I have since started a new job which means that I have very little time to exercise. It's such a shame because I really enjoyed it. I used to mix cardio, interval tranining esp with resistance.

Trouble is now that I don't have time. I'd say I could do 30 mins three times a week. What is the best sort to do. Haven't the time for gym so have free weights and about 50 workout dvds at home.

Advice please - just wish I had the time to exercise my body is looking wobbly!


  • sheilashelly1
    Using a HIIT program would be your best bet. It basically interval training where you go hard for 15-60 seconds and then rest for 1-2 mins and then repeat a few times. You can use it on any kind of cardio equipment also so that good and it can easily be tailored to fit your fitness levels. It's the best for people who don't want to or have time to spend a lot of time in the gym. If you want to learn more about it just google it. there's plenty of information out there.