Is 30 mins of exercise 3 times a week enough?


Since starting a new job have gained 7lb - lost 3 stone in a year from 0ct 10 - aug 11. Have very little time - working full time and studying so practically work 16 hour days.

What would be the best type of exercise pure cardio
one day pure cardio two days half cardio and half weights

If I could fit more time in I will but I really can't - my job will be much easier next year after this first year!

Not happy about getting wobbly - my thighs are getting bigger, not to mention my tummy and I dont want to ruin all my hard work!

Thank you


  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    Is it more than you've been doing? Then yes, its enough.

    I would combine weight training and cardio on all 3 days.
  • micarla1
    micarla1 Posts: 41 Member
    It's def more than I have been doing in the last 6 months, I feel so lethargic and wobbly! So 20 mins cardio and 10 mins weights. I just know when I get going I won't be able to stop and then my work will suffer, but hey my body will be back!