Already planned my spike day lol

I am going to have peanut butter on wholemeal toast for brekky (usual brekky)
Galaxy cookie crunch choc bar for lunch
Chicken chow mein n chips (from takeaway) for dinner

Total 1754 calories ( usually I have 1000 a day - quite immobile at minute which is why so low!)

Obviously my spike day above is high fat n high carb BUT for this one day I don't care! I have lost 5lb this week and am happy to put a little back on if it stops me completely giving up - which is what I usually do after being too strict and craving my favourite foods!

Yippee roll on spike day! I am actually really enjoying the normal days of this healthier living but really think the spike days will help keep me motivated as I will never be more than a week away from my favourite food!