Fasted HIIT training

Ok I ran 6 miles today and I started my fast right before it. I am going to do a HIIT WORKOUT on the treadmill before I end my fast. Anyone do eat stop eat and tried this? What kind of luck have you had? I would like to hear some stories from those who tried it.


  • brindlechewy
    brindlechewy Posts: 84 Member
    I'd think that, if you tried to do hiit while fasting, you would pass out or something. I do it a couple of days a week, but I have to eat a little bit first to have the energy to do so. I wouldn't recommend it, especially in conjunction with a six mile run.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    i do a 16 hours fast everyday and do cardio,HIIT or strenght training just before ending my fast. Now it depend how you feel at the end of your fast. Me it never gave me any problem but it´s not a very long fast. Keep hydrated, it is very important.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I used to do morning HIIT 3x a week, fasted. But I would eat 1 hr afterwards. This was just normal fast from sleeping all night; not IF.