Comfort eater Needs help!



  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    I love "Made to Crave" :smile:

    One tool that has helped me a lot is keeping a stash of nice teas in the house, plus vanilla soy milk and stevia. Oh, and dark chocolate almond milk.

    Super-dark good quality chocolate helps, too - if you're having a sweet craving, give your body the best quality you can afford, but in a small portion, like the little individually wrapped singles. Don't waste the calories on cheap junk like halloween treats, second-rate chocolate, cheap ice cream, store-bought cake... it's not worth it. Get the good stuff, eat it, enjoy it, and just make it a part of your plan for success.

    And then the other thing that has helped is making a complete mind and heart change. I stopped letting myself find release in crunching or comfort in sweetness. All it was doing was hurting me, even though it helped in the moment. Recognizing that, releasing it, and purposing to find comfort and release in other ways made a dramatic difference.

    Finally, accountability. Maybe logging it in and open diary that your friends can check on will be useful for you, or joining a real-life meeting for accountability, or if you think you need more support even looking into something like Overeaters Anonymous.

    Good luck to you - you can overcome it. :smile:
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I would like to suggest to everyone that has posted a book called "Made to Crave" by Lisa Terkeurst. I went from a healthy, active person to a very unhappy overweight woman due to the fact that I'm an emotional eater just like all of you. ................

    Thank you for this post!
  • wessymomma10
    Oh my goodness me too!!! It seems that I have taught myself that after eating a meal I need something sweet, and I'm trying to break that. Carmel Rice cakes have been my go to the past few days because of how few calories there are and they are sweet enough to take care of the urge.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Oh my goodness me too!!! It seems that I have taught myself that after eating a meal I need something sweet, and I'm trying to break that. Carmel Rice cakes have been my go to the past few days because of how few calories there are and they are sweet enough to take care of the urge.

    Thank you girl for the post! It helps having friends in the same position as me!
  • Ceebee37
    I think it's ok to have a bad day now and then, honestly, it's impossible to stay on track 100%.
    You need to look at why you feel the way you do,and deal with the emotions behind it first and foremost, then it will get easier.
    If you are stressed, stop for a minute and ask why are you stressed? What happened to make you feel this way? Can you fix it at the time? Take a deep breath, count to 10, close your eyes, and do some deep breathing, go for a walk if you can, talk to someone!!
    If you are sad, angry ask yourself why, figure it out, then deal with it by talking to someone, or the person that may make you sad etc.
    If you ahve support you will get through this, chat on here, ring a friend, partner etc.
    I don't know if this helps, but exercise is the best stress relief in the world!!
    Take Care!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    @ceebee37 - Thank you this was very helpful.
  • ashley67203
    I make sure to not buy the good food I want but keep pseudo-substitutes around to help satisfy the cravings when they come. I keep a bag of dark chocolate kisses handy for sweet, pickles for salty and high-fiber cereal for crunchy. My worst time for snacking is late at night. I find if I don't have anything good in my kitchen I can't overdo it. I will stand there and stare at the healthy junk in my pantry for ten minutes, kicking myself the entire time for not having anything decent, but in the morning I'm thankful.

    Work is way harder. I have high-stress job where I sit at this huge desk with an elevated bar that everyone in the office uses as a cookie, chip and donut buffet. It's horrible. I bring a huge lunchbox full of healthy snacks and I eat them all day to keep my hunger down so I don't slip up and indulge too often. It does happen, though, especially when I let the stress of the job get to me and I just cave. Yesterday during the Super Bowl I was all mad about having to work and ended up diving into the assortment of wings that sat a foot from my face all night.
  • gems4me
    I've read all the replies and thanks everyone, I especially liked the teeth brushing and mouthwash tip. FitKate tell me how to add you as a friend and I will do so. Goodnight for now. Tomorrow's a new day!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    I've read all the replies and thanks everyone, I especially liked the teeth brushing and mouthwash tip. FitKate tell me how to add you as a friend and I will do so. Goodnight for now. Tomorrow's a new day!

    I sent you a friend request! It should be in your mailbox. Check your home page and click on the alert :) Hope this helps.
  • scotland82
    One thing that really helps me is imagining how i want my body to look when i have reached my goal, by the time you think about how great your going to look and feel, the moment has passed! i fell in lovewith an aussie when i was backpacking and ended up staying together (this is our 4th year)and i now live in a very small country town in rural western australia. i grew up in scotland and find it really hard to be away from all of my family and friends, and i always turn to food to make me feel better. Someone once told me that we comfort eat to push down our feelings with the food, so now when i feel homesick to avoid the temptation of bingeing, il ring my mum or best friend at home and just tell them i miss them, then my feelings go away and i feel better just talking to them :-) but my biggest motivator is imaging how good i want to look, so just picture that and imagine you look that good, you wont want to lose that feeling over a donut!
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    you wont want to lose that feeling over a donut!

    ^^^^^^ - LOVE THIS! Thank you!
  • crazybeautifulkittie
    Binge eating is so easy to do. Problems seem less of an issue paired with chocolate and wine, but waistline will expand! So I still have my moments but when I do succumb I "binge" in healthier foods. For example carrots and broccoli. But if vegees aren't your thing, you can find a low calorie substitute like rice cakes to help curb binges. And always try drinking water first because many times our first signals of hunger actually usually are due to dehydration and body's need for water.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Binge eating is so easy to do. Problems seem less of an issue paired with chocolate and wine, but waistline will expand! So I still have my moments but when I do succumb I "binge" in healthier foods. For example carrots and broccoli. But if vegees aren't your thing, you can find a low calorie substitute like rice cakes to help curb binges. And always try drinking water first because many times our first signals of hunger actually usually are due to dehydration and body's need for water.

    This was very helpful! Thank you!
  • k1mcat
    k1mcat Posts: 68
    Right now I am using gum as my distraction. Seems like if I am chewing on something then my brain or whatever it is that makes me want to eat satifed.

    Do you know a gum that keeps it flavor a little longer than most? I tried orbit but after 5 mins I'm spitting it out because it has no taste and gets kinda gross.
  • k1mcat
    k1mcat Posts: 68
    Trident watermelon twist. Its great!
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    Fruit Lots and lots of fruit!

    also I just want to say you look great! so if you catch it now it will be Sooooo much more eazeir then later, =)

    you don't want to have to worry about tons of stretch marks or druppy skin, ect!

    so just let the fact you look fab right now comfort you =)