Need some suggestions please!!!!



  • jaguar101570
    The issue that I see is that your carbs are very high and your protein is very low. Remember carbs provide fuel and also carry protein to the broken down muscle fiber to form lean muscle. Unused carbs turn to fat. You want to eat more protein than carbs but don't abolish carbs for the forementioned reasons. Your calorie intake is not the problem. As some of the others have suggested , eat good fats and more protein. Also, stay from simple carbs like sugar and focus more on complex carbs like fruits and vegetables. I hope this helps!
  • TanyaCurtis
    Never eat under 1000-1200 calories at the least, and ur goal should be to eat between 1200-1600 cals a day, that way ur not starving urself, and u can get used to the routine of eating that amount! U shouldn't eat if ur not hungry though, never. I don't know how tall u are or what ur goal is, but I'm 5'5 and my goal is 124 lbs and I feel best when I eat 1500 cals. I exercise everyday, and I usually end up eating more than that most days due to my big appitite haha:) but I feel best at 1500 cals! Oh, and last but not least, make sure u are getting lots of veggies in ur diet! A big salad at both meals is good! And make sure to eat a good breakfast, dinner and supper, and snacks between each. The most important thing in all this is what u are eating. U shouldn't be eating processed foods and sugar or white flour! Eat 100% whole wheat bread and noodles, and brown rice. Over time u will not want any different if u don't like it already! So be very aware of what u are putting in ur mouth, it will be what makes u or breaks u:)
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    You are eating an awful lot of processed foods. Try some fresher foods, more protien and fiber. Also, I suspect that you are over estimating your calories burned. To bun as many as you say, you would need to be at the gym for several hours or be sweating a lot and breathing quite heavy.
  • Kat_Clement
    That helps a lot thank you, I think I am doing fine then, I will add more protein, I tried peanut butter once but i saw the fat and calories and was worried it was bad for me so I haven't eaten it since that one time but I will start incorporating that into my diet. Thank you all so much for replying. I do the frozen foods to help me with my portions because I don't have the right scales to weigh my food yet and I have a hard time with portion control. That and my family doesn't eat the healthiest, hamburger helper, mac and cheese, and stuff like that so i figured going with the frozen health choice foods would be a good start.
  • Kat_Clement
    I am 5'2 and weigh 203 lbs I would like to weigh between 125 and 130. I type in the calories lost with what the elliptical machine tells me I lost after my workout and what my walk meter tells me I have lost after my walk.