Rant alert!



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    :laugh: Hell if you want to go by bad pictures floating around the net i probobly should never have had a job
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    :laugh: Hell if you want to go by bad pictures floating around the net i probobly should never have had a job

    Lol...do tell!

    Not a problem if youre not using your real name and maybe not a problem where you are but there have been quite a large number of cases publicised in the UK where employers and lawyers have used things posted on facebook/myspace to discredit a person. Not a problem for me, my real name is nowhere to be found on the net...not even on FB
  • RedHotChiliSteppers
    I Disagree. Somewhat. I think that at 17-18 you shouldn't stop having fun, you shouldn't really even really be doing those things. At least here in the States once you are 21 you can actually legally go to the bars and whatnot. Doesn't mean that it stops people from doing those things or wanting to...

    While I do agree you shouldn't do drugs, having a few drinks and letting lose is a great thing and I think people should enjoy themselves especially when you are young. I am 24 now and even going out to the clubs I sometimes feel old looking around.

    You do need to be responsible, and have things to do other than partying such as school, and work. I went to school, studied hard, but also played hard. Work hard play hard! But people don't have to publicly let everyone see everything they are doing on Facebook. Its just a phase people will move on soon enough.

    That is all. </rant>