protein shakes ????



  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    curious as to why avoiding soy when you're dairy intolerant?

    It's not "dairy milk" with soy added.... Now personally I avoid anything containing soy whenever I can but that's a personal choice, but rice milk, hemp milk, almond milk all provide alternatives to milk without getting into protein shakes....
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    I drink one shake daily to help me get my protein intake up. I want whatever scale weight I lose to be fat and water, not my lean muscle mass, and protein shakes help with that. You want that protein over 100g; MFP sets the protein cap far too low for most.

    Very True! Especially if you are Workout out your body NEEDS the Extra protein I try for around 100g a day I get over half that from my food during the day and drink a Shake after my workout for the last 35 G. Mine that I buy are delicious! They are from Nutrishop and I have tried them so far in Chocolate, Banana and Mocha Cappaccino. Do not be scared to bulk up it's kind of silly if you think about it. Like someone else said, you have to really be eating clean and pumping some truly heavy weight to bulk. It is hard for women to truly pack on the muscle like guys do. However it will help you not loose lean muscle mass and you will look more toned which is a nice plus!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Honestly, I use Total Lean because I don't like to cook for just myself and it keeps me from doing the "quick" fast food run. I enjoy it mixed with nonfat milk and frozen fruit.
  • I make my own, started last month actually and I will give you my own little recipe.

    I get the Whey Protein Powder from Wal-Mart and I consider myself kind of a genius in the kitchen so I fiddled with a smoothie recipe that I would enjoy.

    2 Scoops Protein Powder
    1 Banana
    1 Cup of Frozen Fruit
    1/2 cup of water
    1/2 cup of Pure Cranberry (no sugar)
    2 tsp of ground flax seed
    1 tsp of honey

    That's what I drink every morning and it helps me make it until lunch feeling full and energetic.
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    A high-protein intake coupled with fibrous (non-starchy) vegetables (broccoli, green beans, lettuce, asparagus, cauliflower, etc) is the cornerstone of a fat-shedding diet. It’s almost impossible to gain fat eating green veggies and other fibrous carbs because the caloric density is too low. A diet that consists primarily of lean protein and fibrous carbs is the foundation of all serious fat loss diets

    The rule for protein is: 1g per pound of lean body mass per day (not weight, lean body mass: If you weigh 200 lbs and are 20% bodyfat, that is 160 lbs of lean mass or 160g per day of protein). At least 40% and probably 50% of your daily calories should come from lean protein.

    How you get it is up to you. Chicken breast, turkey breast, white fish, egg whites, whole eggs, and protein powders (which are egg protein) are all fine.

    Protein shakes are a great between-meal snack. Protein also creates a sense of "fullness" and quells hunger. I would never treat them as the "meal" though. Some taste good, some taste nasty. Nasty: Body Fortress, EAS. Good: Pure Protein (aka "Eat Good/Look Great), and Six Star brands.
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    thank you all for all your input. It is much appreciated.

    My main reason for trying the shakes is that I am dairy intollerant, and also cant have Soya, or meat.... so I also go to the gm about 5-7 times a week. and I am finding that especially at a certain time of the month, i wake up after the gym, and it hurts so much to even breathe let alone move., I have tried them this week, and I can honeslty say that I dont ache anywhere near as much as i usualy would. so for that I am very pleased, this tells me that my muscles are recovering better.

    I do try to get protein from Rice Milk and Nuts, but to be fair, when you are calorie counting there is only so much of this you can eat in a day.

    thanks all!!

    I too avoid meat, dairy and soy (where I can) for various reasons. I use pea protein powder to supplement my protein intake without messing with my other macros. It doesn't give me belly issues like whey powder, and it isn't chalky like I have found rice protein to be. Protein powder, especially after a workout, is incredible for muscle recovery. Plus it helps with appetite. Trying to get a good level of protein in your diet without also taking in a lot of carbs and fat when you are vego is really hard! Good luck!
  • Tp77
    Tp77 Posts: 21 Member
    curious as to why avoiding soy when you're dairy intolerant?

    It's not "dairy milk" with soy added.... Now personally I avoid anything containing soy whenever I can but that's a personal choice, but rice milk, hemp milk, almond milk all provide alternatives to milk without getting into protein shakes....

    Cuz my body is unkind to me, and I am Dairy and Soya intollerant! along with Fizzy Drinks, I dont mind this one! Red wine, I dooo Mind this one!! and Red Meat. I also do mind this one, as I am also very Anaemic!

    I'm just trying to find new ways to get all my nutrients without having to keep taking tablet form supplements.

    I do drink Rice milk, and I try and have Goat or Sheep Yoghurt, I am at least able to have Oat and Oat Milk. Yay! My poor twin sister is the same, and cant even have Oats! Intollerancies are rubbish! tho that said, My body is in a much better place since I cut out the food which react in my system, and I have been tested for these by a professional, so I am not Self diagnosing !

    am loving the smoothie mix also!! I love making my own smoothies and had a lightbulb moment earlier that I could add some Protein powder to fruit and yoghurt and make a yummy breakfast for mornings on the run!

    thanks again everyone, I know that with everything there is always pro's and Con's so I am just trying to gain a neutral open view and see how I get on.

  • I have one once a day as I tend to eat vegetarian most of the day if not all of it. It is a great way to also get in my fruit. I also either work out right before lunch (11:30) or dinner (5:30) so will have one right before I leave for gym.

    Basic recipe:

    1 cup of OJ (calcium fortified)
    1/2 scoop of EAS vanilla flavored whey protein
    1 cup of frozen fruit
    2 T of ground flax seed meal
    optional is a banana

    1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
    1/2 scoop of EAS chocolate flavored whey protein
    1/2 cup of frozen cherries, raspberries, blueberries or strawberries
    2 T of ground flax seed meal
    1 banana
  • yp77
    yp77 Posts: 25
    I have been reading all these replies, and I find them very interesting,
    Can I just ask tho, how you find out your percentage of body fat so that you know how much protien you should be eating please.
    Many Thanks
  • yp77
    yp77 Posts: 25
    A high-protein intake coupled with fibrous (non-starchy) vegetables (broccoli, green beans, lettuce, asparagus, cauliflower, etc) is the cornerstone of a fat-shedding diet. It’s almost impossible to gain fat eating green veggies and other fibrous carbs because the caloric density is too low. A diet that consists primarily of lean protein and fibrous carbs is the foundation of all serious fat loss diets

    The rule for protein is: 1g per pound of lean body mass per day (not weight, lean body mass: If you weigh 200 lbs and are 20% bodyfat, that is 160 lbs of lean mass or 160g per day of protein). At least 40% and probably 50% of your daily calories should come from lean protein.

    How you get it is up to you. Chicken breast, turkey breast, white fish, egg whites, whole eggs, and protein powders (which are egg protein) are all fine.

    Protein shakes are a great between-meal snack. Protein also creates a sense of "fullness" and quells hunger. I would never treat them as the "meal" though. Some taste good, some taste nasty. Nasty: Body Fortress, EAS. Good: Pure Protein (aka "Eat Good/Look Great), and Six Star brands.
  • micheles234
    micheles234 Posts: 73 Member
    my protein shake is my breakfast, and sometimes after workout drink. I was afraid of them at first too. didn't want to get bulky, but jillian michaels validated on the doctors that you will not bulk up as long as your calories consumed are not more than your recommended consumption. I have found it to be an amazing appetite suppressant! I have my shake before work and a piece of fruit or almonds as my mid morning snack and I am never "starving" at any point throughout the day. I use body fortress whey protein, chocolate or vanilla, found at walmart, with 40 or 60 calorie almond milk.