BODYPUMP - How do I log?

So, I started BODYCOMBAT at the gym last night and it well and truly put me on my *kitten*! Really enjoyed it though and saw that they have PUMP on tonight as well which I'm thinking of going to (mad, I know).

Has anyone else done PUMP before and if so, do you have any tips?

Also, how do you log it in MFP? My initial suspicion (no rhyme intended) was to log it as circuits, general; however, after having done a bit of digging on here a few people have suggested that strength training in the cardio section would be more appropriate? I don't have an HRM so if anyone who has got one knows which of the two is a more realistic guesstimate, that'd be great!!

Thanks :)

Hayley x


  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I've done body pump before (& loved it) and I just logged it as half strength training and half calisthenics. A lot of the work out is spent doing reps and I remember there were some sit ups, planks and push ups as well as weight lifting.

    Hope you enjoy it, let us know how you get on x
  • I've done body pump before (& loved it) and I just logged it as half strength training and half calisthenics. A lot of the work out is spent doing reps and I remember there were some sit ups, planks and push ups as well as weight lifting.

    Hope you enjoy it, let us know how you get on x

    Thanks! I'm a bit scared because I'm going on my own, and I'm also not very strong (ha!) so don't wanna look a tit or anything!! Heard so many good things about it though that I can't resist having a go!!

    Will definitely let you know how I get on though - watch this space!! x
  • DizzyLinds
    DizzyLinds Posts: 856 Member
    I found it really hard to lof this before i got my HRM...i def suggest you get one as it is so much more accurate. I was under estimating my burn using MFP but then it wasn't as high as some people were suggesting.
  • I found it really hard to lof this before i got my HRM...i def suggest you get one as it is so much more accurate. I was under estimating my burn using MFP but then it wasn't as high as some people were suggesting.

    Can't afford one at the moment as we're moving house this week, but definitely on my wish list for the next few months. In the meantime, do you mind sharing what your calorie burn was when you used your HRM? Then I can see how accurate MFP is in comparison (sorry if that's cheeky!) xx
  • catic
    catic Posts: 156
    I googled how many calories someone can burn in a body pump class .It's anywhere from 400-900 depending on the weights and how are you push yourself. I'm a pretty advanced pumper and I guess about 500 cals, (I can't afford a HRM right now either)

    It's my favorite class, you will enjoy it!!! I have not tired combat yet though!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
  • I googled how many calories someone can burn in a body pump class .It's anywhere from 400-900 depending on the weights and how are you push yourself. I'm a pretty advanced pumper and I guess about 500 cals, (I can't afford a HRM right now either)

    It's my favorite class, you will enjoy it!!! I have not tired combat yet though!

    Thanks, I'll have a look online in that case. I saw something similar for Zumba so I thought there might be something like that.

    Combat was great - really hard work but totally worth it and it's non-stop for the full 45 mins. In fact, we didn't even do any stretching afterwards - we were told to do stretching in our own time downstairs in the gym, which I thought was odd, but meant we got more done in the 45 mins. It's good fun, but be prepared to work! Haha.

    I think I'll see how I get on with Pump tonight, and make a note of what weights I use before logging. Thanks for your help. x
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I did BodyPump at my gym on Friday with a HRM and burned 273 calories. My weight is 200 and my age is 51 so take it from there.

    I STRONGLY urge you to get a HRM as soon as you can~ I got mine from Amazon for $74- a Polar FT7.

    ALL of my "calories burned" were WAY off, unfortunately to the HIGH side! Once I got a HRM, I found that my ACTUAL calories burned were MUCH LOWER than the estimates from MFP and other sites.

    Meanwhile, good luck with the class~ I really liked it!
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 84 Member
    Body Pump is AWESOME!!

    When I didn't have a HRM, I would log it as 50 minutes of Strength Training. It isn't quite as accurate, but you aren't overestimating your burn. I try to go heavy, and my stays elevated during all of the working tracks.

    I only count 50 minutes, as there is a break between the tracks, and I don't count cool down.
  • WannabeSexyBexy
    Hi, I did my first BODYPUMP last night followed by COMBAT, which I've done loads of times before. Usually after COMBAT I can tell I've exercised but don't get muscle ache, today I do and that with keeping the weights really low in PUMP (which is a must, don't worry about how you look, you don't spend the class looking and judging others so they won't be doing the same to you)

    I personally burn between 200-300 in PUMP and 400-600 in COMBAT, but I have a FitBit that monitors that for me. PUMP will tone up your body and can work in specific areas too. Read the advice on here too as I also posted a topic too

    Enjoy :)
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member

    I do BP 1-2 times a week and for a 1 hour session I'd burn off usually around the 550-600 cals using my Polar FT60. I've been doing the class for 7 months! It really depends on your weight and your state of health, along with the weights you use.

    I started doing BC a few weeks ago and again for an hour's session it varies between 700-815cals for me. I've drastically changed my diet so that is factoring into my energy levels at the mo!

    Hope that helps!
  • Chrisandsteph99
    I have a form from Golds that has the average calorie burn for all the classes. I'm happy to fax it to you if you have a fax. I hope that doesn't sound weird but I love this form. And bodypump is my favorite!
  • prwthomas
    prwthomas Posts: 43 Member
    I recommend you take a "new pumpers" class prior to Bodypump, if your gym offers it. Then you won't feel so scared! The first 3 times you do pump they don't want you to ratchet up your weights, but to work on your form. You will be fine if you follow this advice. As for calories burned, I use my heart rate monitor and log it as cardio. I haven't figured out how to accurately log in the strength section of MFP. But I want to see those calories burned show up for my own accountibility!

    All the best to you! Bodycombat is my absolute favorite class of all time, with Bodystep as a close second!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    id log as strength training, circuit training will be higher as includes running / jumping about etc. Pump you are pretty much stood still except for the body part you are working.

    its not like 'weight lifting' so you dont have to be super strong, each track is around 5 mins per body part with lightish weights. if i remember right its 5 mins warmup track, then squats, chest, back, biceps, triceps, lunges, shoulders, abs, stretch. if youve not been before, start with light weights (say 5lb each end for chest / arm tracks, maybe 7.5-10lb for leg tracks). i used to take a scrap of paper to note my weights so i remember what to use the next time.

    make sure you get to class 5 -10 mins early to set up all your stuff, and let instructor know you are new, have a fab time x
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    I created a new exercise and logged the time under that. I put the calories as average though as I don't use a heart rate monitor but asked the instructor what she thought.
  • knkmum
    I do body pump all the time, keep your weights low to start and gradually increase as you go, the results are amazing, I normally log it under the weights section, combat is fab my favourite but you should also try body attack, its hard but again the results are worth all the pain :)
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    If you Google the Les Mills website they have all the classes listed, included videos on how to do the exercises!

    Your leg track for BP is your biggest work out so you should be aiming for 2-3 times more than your warm up weight!

    Let the instructor know that you are new, and really the first few classes are about learning the moves and getting your posture right!

    It's a great class, I love it - let us know how you get on :P
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    What is it? An aerobics class? Cardio?
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I personally burn between 200-300 in PUMP and 400-600 in COMBAT

    This is pretty close for me, too! I'm 40 years old, 5'4" tall, & weigh 135 lbs. I typically burn between 250 and 350 in Pump (Release 80 puts me closer to 350). I'm typically in the 400-500 range for Combat, Step, and Attack. I'm a Les Mills junkie! :) For the record - I 'added' exercises for BODYPUMP, BODYCOMBAT, BODYSTEP, and BODYATTACK in MFP so I could log them and know if I was truly taking one of these classes vs. lifting heavy at home or doing a kickboxing DVD at home, etc.

    Just as an FYI - if you do a search, you'll find a TON of threads here telling you that HRMs aren't very accurate for tracking calories burned for weight lifting/strength training. I have always used either my Polar FT40 HRM or my BodyMedia FIT Link to track calories for all types of exercise and logged them. However - I'm not one to set my calories low and then eat back exercise calories...I have my calories set and shoot to eat at least that many every day regardless of exercise calories.

    Oh - and so you can add this to my age/height/weight info in calculating calories burned - here's the weight I'm using for class. I just bumped up to 4 large plates (11 lbs ea) & 2 medium plates (5.5 lbs ea) for squats, 2 large + 2 small (2.2 lbs ea) for chest, 2 large + 2 medium + 2 small for back, 2 large for triceps, 2 large for biceps, 2 large + 2 small for lunges, and 2 medium + 2 small for shoulder.

    My advice - listen to the instructor's weight selections for 'new pumpers' and don't try to overdo it! Build up your weight over time...when it becomes easy to get thru a track at a certain weight, it's time to up it! Most importantly - concentrate on using proper form versus keeping up (especially with things like singles in the squat track, etc.). As long as you keep moving, it's all good!

    Have fun and enjoy yourself!!!
  • AlexzKT
    AlexzKT Posts: 131 Member
    I LOVE BODY PUMP! I do it 2-3 (sometimes 4)x a week. I'm 5'5, 144lbs, 23 years old, and I really like to use weights that get my heart rate up. In general I burn about 400-500 calories a class. Have fun!