How did you initially get up and start exercising? Did you a



  • gtfcnat
    gtfcnat Posts: 199
    We bought Kinect for the Xbox last summer, and when I bought Dance Central and Zumba for it. After the first few goes the novelty kinda wore off and I stopped using it. We also bought Yoru Shape for it, and I think I used two or three times at most.
    When my Mum told me about MFP I realised that I should be more active as well and dug out the Your Shape disc but it didn't work properly, so we ordered the newer version and since using that I've been getting really into it.
    If I don't do it for some reason I actually miss it :noway:
  • sig1238
    You get up and do it, even when everything in your head screams, "Nooooo!"
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I was doing my Wii and my Elliptical I would get bored. About 2 weeks ago it was sunny out so I set out
    for a walk, did it for 5 days then my work schedule was changed and I didn't walk for 2 days. Thought that would
    be it but no I really enjoyed being out in the brisk morning air, I back at it this week too.
    So never give up on healthy
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I bought a bike. Best purchase I've ever made.
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    I simply started walking... I used the treadmill that had been sitting in my basement collecting dust for a few years, and got up and moving. Then, I bought an elliptical, because I remembered years ago when I was working out, I really liked that better than walking. It's harder, but more satisfying when I'm finished. (And I have bad hips, seems to be better for my joints.) Anyway, I've tried doing some classes...Zumba and Cardiolates. Those are fun and you can take a friend with you. :) Also, I try to schedule the workout (elliptical or treadmill) at the same time each day... I do 30 minutes daily, and I watch Family Feud while doing it. Lol. Love that show, and even my kiddos can come in and sit on the bed and watch tv with me while I work out.

    NO, I don't enjoy working out...I don't think I will ever be THAT gal...but I do like when I start to see results and I've found that I'm OBSESSED with the counting of calories, etc. I love MFP and will log on at work and constantly be updating, checking out what foods I can eat and, more importantly CAN'T eat, and I have my entire day of meals planned out before noon. :) It's fun for me, oddly enough!

    Anyway, you will find exercises/workouts that you "enjoy"... or can put up with...and it will become habit. I didn't do ANY exercise before, so I can sympathize with your question.
    Good luck!
  • Kaathmandu
    I agree with the earlier poster who recommended dance classes.
    But I reckon the best thing is to find an aqua fitness class with a fun instructor and good music - there's lots of different styles, including aqua zumba. Water is 15 times more resistant than air, so you get a good workout, but if you are in water up to your waist, you are only supporting half your body weight so no major stress on joints. Deeper and less.
    And because the water keeps you cool, after you've cooled down and stretched, you feel refreshed and great and ready to party, instead of hot and sweaty.
    There is the whole exposure thing - I wear a sports bra, rashie and bike shorts, so no embarrassing flab on show. And you can power it up while everything wobbles under the water where no one can see!! Go aqua!
  • glamsquadtia
    glamsquadtia Posts: 20 Member
    Wow..All of your stories are so inspiring! Thank You so much for the advice, validation and support. It really helps to know that someone has been where you are & that they've had success, it means that I can too...I cant Thank You all enough! THANKYOU!