Ladies...BC question...



  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Quitting ortho tricyclen didn't affect my weight either way...well, until I got pregnant 6 months later! :wink:
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    I take ortho-tri, too and I'm doing fine! I'm not having weight gain side effects or anything, so I don't know. But then again, everyone's body is different. I might not have a problem with it but you might. Overall it's just what's best for you.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    What is your alternative going to be? Would you rather be 5-10 pounds over or pregnant?
  • I have only had weight gain in association with bc when I did the depo shot. When on bc pills it has never effected my weight. Of course this is a personal decision. I actually gained about 30lbs when I stopped using is called :wink:
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I'm on Lo-Estrin 24 FE and have had no issues losing weight.. and would never go off either unless I absolutely had too.

    I'm on the same pill and have the same sentiment. Birth control is here so we can use it!

    I have been on a few different pills over the years and no changes in pills seemed to correlate with any weight gain/loss. I think its a myth, but if you are that concerned about it, next time you go see your OBGYN you should ask and see what they say. Maybe there is something that we don't know.
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I switched to Lo-Loestrin and boom-- it came off like magic. It's an ultra low dose pill, which makes it all the better

    I just started Lo-Loestrin as well, and haven't had any side effects. I am on it due to an ovarian cyst and heavy bleeding, not for actual birth control
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I am not anti-BCP. I lost 120 lbs while on it. However, after 7 years of use (age 26) I nearly died. Hormones cause blood clots. I had several in each lung. Now I am hard pressed to find a doctor who doesn't freak out over every teeny tiny thing. I am not allowed to take any kind of hormone EVER. Also, between my PCP and the two specialists, they determined the one and only cause was the pill. No weird blood disorders or diseases. Just that little blue pill. I asked why it hadn't happened before since I had been on it for 7 years and they said it just happens. Sometimes your body changes. Now, if I get pregnant I have to take blood thinners to keep me from reacting to my own hormones. If my legs swell, straight to the ER. Everyone thinks I am fragile :) i am not, but what are you going to do?
  • I'm actually on it too and am hoping to get off of it the end of next month because we are hoping it helps get us pregnant within the yr or so. My doctor told me that it may help with weight loss if your off it but it can make your hormones out of whack for a while. How long have you been on it? I gained like 5lbs and then it just stayed; though ive been on it for about 4yrs.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    A few years ago when I was going on it, I was worried about gaining weight too.
    One of my friends, who is a teacher, told me that her doc told her, BC doesnt make you gain weight.

    I did some research on the subject . I found alot of reserch, online, that concluded that the BC itself does not "Make" you gain weight. It would have to slow down your metabolisim, etc. in order to do that. What it has that can contribute to gain, is the hormones that can effect your "desires" for food choices. Just like our emotions and hormones make us overeat, crave chocolate during our cycle or icecream over a bad break up. It is the same way with the hormones in BC, thus, people relate the two and wa-la!'ve gained weight.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Im on Nuvaring and I've lost twenty pounds. It's a steady hormone unlike oral birth control though.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Did you gain when you went on them? I never gained a pound from them therefore I would have no reason to believe weight loss would be a result of going off more like 90lbs to gain from getting knocked up, ha ha!
  • I was on an generic version of orth tri cyclen and I did not like how it made me feel so I stopped taking it and now we use condoms.

    I'd like an IUD but I don't have the money to get one.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I'm on the patch... and it doesn't make me gain weight... The shot helped me gain weight I didn't want to gain back though... but even that wasn't all the shots fault.
  • islandgirldl76
    islandgirldl76 Posts: 47 Member
    Well I have had 11 years of various BC options. The pill and various forms of it totally messed my body up. Tried condoms for years but I am slightly allergic to latex so I would have to spread the sex out to not every day. Then tried the depo shot, to many horrible side effects to list. Finally tried the ring and it burned and irritated me inside. 6 years ago found out I have PCOS.

    Then tried IUD which I would recommend, the one WITHOUT the hormones. I found a doc that flat out told me that I do not need to use ANY hormonal birth control. They have not come out with a bioidentical (natural) form of hormone that works with your body and until they do the long term side effects are not good for you. BTW the one being pushed as natural now (I forgot the name) is not 100% natural it still includes one of the bad synthetic hormones in the product, false advertising.

    And for the woman that say birth control balanes their hormones and helps their PCOS. Do the research or get another doctor, it doesn't balance anything. It masks the effects of PCOS so you still have the underlying problems some of them being insulin resistance which can lead to weight gain to Diabetes and infertility if not treated. That is why so many woman who have always been on birth control have problems with their hormones when they stop taking them once they get their tubes tied or are trying to get pregnant.

    But it is a very personal decision but look past the marketing, ignorant doctors who just go off of the studies the drug companies sell them on and do your research. I would rather solve the problem and keep my body as clean as possible then bog it down constantly with artificial chemicals every day. Again Try the IUD yes their is a small chance of perforation but that is small compared the the guarantee of chemicals you are adding to your body each time you take a hormonal BC Pill. Wish you the best in your search.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    i'm losing weight while being on it. I just...I don't know. I just feel ike if 'm trying to be healthier, I don't know that filling my body with extra hormones is a good thing.

    I went on it originally to straighten out my cycles, they're kind of all over the place, and I get really nasty cramps.

    I don't know if I'm done having kids yet or not, so I don't want anything permanent obviously.
  • AdrienneB33
    AdrienneB33 Posts: 13 Member
    I take a BC that has a steady dose of hormones. I started taking BC initially years and years ago for non-contraception reasons, but now that I'm married I also use it for contraception purposes. I have endrometriosis so the BCP is very helpful with dealing with that and without it my TOM would be unbearable. I've been on the pill for so long that I've been all sorts of weights all due to my own behaviors and some other factors none of which I'd attribute directly to BCP.
  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    this is such a hard question because EVERY single woman is going to have a different answer and experience. There's just too many variables. You have to do what's right for you! That being said I opted to go off bc for weightloss, but it's more about the "not putting anything in my body" and getting myself back to homeostasis than anything. We are hoping to try for another baby late this year, so that also is a factor. Unfortunately my body hasn't reacted well to being off bc and I have had 3 months of pretty much non stop bleeding, followed by 3 months of totally unpredictable and irregular cycles! I hope it sorts out soon! Anyways good luck with whatever you decide!
  • jillyt85
    jillyt85 Posts: 161 Member
    I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, but since it's a question about BC I just have to throw what happened to me out there. About a year and a half ago I got a DVT (blood clot) in my leg. I was only 25. I actually had a couple in there and it was caused by my birth control pills. My leg swelled to twice its size and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I had to use a cane to walk 3 feet. I was in pain for months and had to miss a week of work because of it. The doctor told me to never get back on birth control again. My sister in law had warned me about BC being worse for you than they tell you, but I didn't listen and wound up with a blood clot. Just had to throw that out there. I also never gained weight from coming off of it.
  • jillyt85
    jillyt85 Posts: 161 Member
    I'd also like to add that I was completely regular before I started BC and had absolutely horrible cramps and once I stopped taking them, I was extremely irregular. After months of eating healthy and working out though, I'm back to being regular and I don't get cramps the way I used to. Something that disrupts the body like that and changes the way you function after getting off them just doesn't seem right to me. I'm not putting anyone down for using them, I'm just saying they were horrible to my body.