HELP! I need ideas!!

My time in the gym is quite frequent (being that I work there) and in an effort to keep my marriage strong (aka keep husband happy) I have decided to cut all time from the gym that is not paid. I'm getting up at 5am to workout during the week, but here's my problem. I have no cardio machines or weights at home. I can't go for runs in the morning, because he has to be at work by 5:30, so I need to be around the house while my kids sleep.
Here's what I did this morning:

Cardio- Mountain climbers, wall jumps, quick feet up-downs, side-to-sides
Strength- push-ups, squats, I did triceps and biceps with my kitchen chairs, and turned over the ottoman on my feet for sit-ups, and did some other ab stuff.

Other days, I have used the bottom rung of the chairs for hip dips, done chair dips to work my arms, squat/dips on my bottom stair (there are only three), and also 80s style leg lifts and push-aways. I think if I can find a bungee cord to drape over the back of the chair, I could get in some tricep extensions.

Here's my problem: I just feel like there's more that I could do. When I do a personal workout, I make it intense, and so I feel like I'm just not doing enough! I'm so used to using weights, Bose balls, spin bikes, etc. that I have limited creativity. LOL! Also, I have major foot issues (which is why I almost always did my personal cardio on the spin bike), so even the stuff I did this morning left my foot hurting a bit. Any suggestions? Should I just shell out the money for weights?


  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Depending on how much you're looking/able to spend, Nick and I are looking at selling our weight bench/weights AND one of our bike trainers (you could set up your regular bike on it and it would function similar to a spin bike). We just don't have room for either one and we're doing so much stuff with Rufus Racing that we really don't need them. Let me know if you're interested.

    Sounds like you're doing a really good job improvising, though. Let me fish around the Rufus Racing facebook page and see if I can find the "at home" exercises that Kendra told us to do - maybe that will help some, too! :smile: