The only difference between a clean or dirty food is



  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    how much of it you eat.

    By this I mean, there are almost no foods that cannot to fit into an overall healthy diet, depending on the amount you consume. We need to get away from labeling foods as "dirty" or "unhealthy" and start looking at the context of the overall diet.

    I soooooooooo agree with this! thanks for posting and hopefully a lot more people will take note!!
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    My favorite is the aspartame causing cancer. A person would have to drink 2+ CASES (that's 24, 12 oz cans) a DAY to ingest enough for it to be a problem. Don't get me wrong, I take "natural" over "chemical" every chance I get. I even use essential oils (peppermint for headaches, etc.) rather than taking something OTC if I can help it. However, sometimes, I want a Coke Zero so I have one. A twelve pack lasts me 3-5 months. Sometimes, the peppermint doesn't get rid of my headache, so I take something, If you want to eat a certain way (i.e. clean, vegetarian, vegan, what-have-you), great. Have at 'er!!! Just don't try to tell me how to live my life. I think my great-grandmother was right, "Everything in moderation." After all, she was never overweight and even found room in her "diet" for a can or two of Budweiser daily.
  • michmill98

    Potato chips are on my "not good for the butt" salty snack list. However, I do not see the need to totally eliminate something that I like to justify losing weight. Instead, I don't buy them by the big bag anymore and allow myself one small bag a week when I go to the sub shop. Even with the Super Bowl party and all kinds of chips/dips available, I limited myself to one handful and then filled my plate with better food choices.

    I've never been a believer in eliminating foods that I enjoy as I find that I usually end up binging on that item after a while.