March 1st Goal

Hello Everyone! I actually joined MFP almost a year ago, but I've been very lax the last few months. Now that my work and opera schedule is a little less crazy, I think I can consistently post and log my calories again. This March 1 marks the one year anniversary of changing my fitness lifestyle. So far I've lost 27 lbs, but I'd really like to lose those last 3 lbs by the first of next month. I know, it's just a number, but it would still be nice. Since it's been a while since I've been on the site, I'm looking for some new friends who might have similar goals. I'd eventually like to lose 13 lbs from where I'm at now, making my total goal 40 lbs down from last year. I'm 27 years old, female, an opera singer and I live outside of New York City. Please friend me if you'd be interested in motivational support, either online or in person if you're local, especially as we move into March 1st. Looking forward to meeting some new people!


  • operavagabond
    operavagabond Posts: 84 Member
    Good luck on your goals! I just sent a friend request.

    I wonder how many other opera singers are on MFP? :)
  • mikieslady
    Just added you. I'm also 27 years old and my goal is to lose 35 lbs. Just started this week.

    I bet you will make your goal before March 1st. Good Luck!