Fast Food withdrawls anybody ?



  • chriscoates7025
    chriscoates7025 Posts: 131 Member
    I have been on this weight loss journey for a full year now and have had FF 3 times. Each time because I was traveling and did not have other options. It was not refreshing and felt like a stone in my gut afterward. I do not miss it at all.
  • Definitely, let yourself have it within your limits. I love chicken nuggets and french fries with buffalo sauce at mcdonalds and i let myself have it every now and then, but I get a kids meal and no soda of course. But it gives me my fix and I'm not to far off the healthy path. Moderation and acceptance are the keys.
  • perrybucsdad
    perrybucsdad Posts: 36 Member
    I think the key is all in moderation. If you can stomach the fast food (after I hit 40, there were very few fast foods I could even stomach without getting an upset stomach) I say go for it, but as others have stated, stay within your limits. We can't be perfect little angels all the time, so give yourself a pat on the back for what you have done to date, and reward yourself, but go easy.