Steel Cut Oats



  • atlantapiper
    atlantapiper Posts: 133 Member
    Not sure where you're located, but Trader Joe's frozen steel cut oatmeal....easy to fix (2 + 1 minutes in the microwave), brown sugar added, 150 calories, keeps you full...super good and super easy.
  • j3nn14er
    what I do randomly that changes up the taste is cook them with coffee instead or water/milk. its pretty good. but if you're not a coffee person I also find a few blueberries thrown in to be excellent.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I love them.....................that "barley" texture is awesome! I like the crunchy-nutty texture and flavor.

    I add brown sugar and a teensy bit of milk - perfectomundo!

    And, if you'd like an instant oatmeal without the icky/mushy texture, try Better Oats! They rock....and have super-awesome flavors like CHOCOLATE and blueberry muffin! delish.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I like to toast the oats for a few minutes before I cook them-gives it a different flavor. Also I like to add fruit or jams to mine. My husband likes his with cinnamon and brown sugar
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    I only made a couple small changes: I didn't have applesauce, so instead I increased the grated apple to 2 apples' worth. I dislike nutmeg so I added a little extra cinnamon, and the creamer I used was Coffeemate Cinnamon Vanilla creamer.

    This is a really easy way to cook them, requires no baby-sitting of the pot, and this recipe comes in at 210 per serving :bigsmile:
  • momchelle3
    Steph- I just bought my first box on Wed also, lol! Haven't made any yet, though. What did you think? I'm gonna try them tomorrow.