No time to excercise what do you do?

I am a mother of three a usual week for me includes getting up at 5am packing lunches, fixing breakfast then heading out to work at 6:20am. I get home around 3:30 have to cook supper, help with homework then four days a week head back out to run kids to different events and activities. Some days I don't get back home until between 8:00 and 10:30pm. I am managing to do c25k on the days I get home early. I am managing to fit in the fab ab february work outs since I can do these under 10-20 minutes. Is there any programs that are short in time involved but great in benefits? How do you manage to fit in excercise I just can't get up before 5am just to tired.


  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 364 Member
    Are you able to take a quick 5-10 min walk at work? I normally do that when I can.
  • jyow01
    jyow01 Posts: 123 Member
    I do manage to get in a quick walk but not everyday.
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 364 Member
    I hope others have some ideas. I know if I exercised anytime after 8 pm I would be awake the rest of the evening.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Take walks on lunch.

    I also think you need to intentionally carve out time for yourself. What about the weekends? Your health and fitness are important. Having a family and catering to their schedule is important, but you need time for you as well.

    Set a time Saturday mornings (or whatever is convenient) and get a good workout in - go for a run, take some classes etc. Make a commitment to exercising. You can't be the family chauffeur / cook / housecleaner all the time. What about your significant other? Work something out so that your needs are met too.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    How are you posting on the net if you have no time? You have time, you just need to prioritise your time. I know it sounds like I'm I'm being an idiot but I see this all time, post saying they have no time yet are on facebook or the like for an hour a time...
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Lots of suggestions!
    Do you have a husband/partner? Can that person get up early and make lunches? Or make dinner?
    How old are your kids? Are they old enough to help with lunch/dinner making?
    Do you utilize a crock-pot for busy nights?
    How about taking one Sunday every two weeks and cooking up a storm - then freezing all of the meals for later use?
    Same with breakfast - what are you serving? If your kids are old enough, have them make their own breakfast (toast, PB, fruit etc). Why not make a bunch of breakfast burritos or breakfast sandwiches and freeze them?
    While your kids are doing their activities - what are you doing? Is there a gym close that you can visit? If they are at a soccer/baseball field - can you walk laps around the park?
    How far away are the activities? Can you walk or bike there as a family?

    All hypothetical suggestions, obviously some of these wouldn't work, or you'd need to fine-tune to your family's preferences, but just some starting points!
    I also work FT and have a kid, we don't have the busy evening activities yet but working out is a vital part of my day. I get up at 4:30am to get my workout in before the rest of the house gets up. It took a while to get used to, but now I just wake up at that time with minimal help from the alarm clock. Good luck!
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    What do you do for a living? I would suggest standing or walking as much as you can at work, perhaps take phone calls standing up, also, take the stairs at work instead of the elavator. Can you walk around or be active while your kids are doing thier activities? Perhaps take the kids for walks/bike rides on the weekends. I understand how you feel, I am a working mother of 2 and usually leave my house around 6:20 as well and don't return till after 4:00. I try to get to Curves when I can I take that as MY little break 30 a week or so. Any type of movement is good though it doesn't have to be structured :) Hope this helps and Stay moving!
  • roadworthy
    Jogging on the spot has been my answer:) Most days I do get in time to exercise but when time is short or I feel like I can do just a little bit more, I set my timer for 10 minutes and jog. It is amazing how many calories you can burn doing this in just a short time. Jump rope is another great way to burn in a shorter time. Alot of times I actually find that when 10 minutes are up I can add more time and do just that! Hope this helps
  • slimgal613
    I do this series when I don't have time to make it to the Y. You can mix it up anyway you want.

    30 minute circuit training at Home

    30 jumping jacks or jogging in place for 40 seconds
    15 tricep dips (use a sturdy chair)
    15 incline push ups. (use wall) hands positioned so that they are under shoulders. You will feel it more.
    10 sit-ups (old fashioned way) Can use weights as you are coming up or medicine ball
    30 bird dogs (on all fours) YouTube it. It’ll show you how. (Great for abs and legs)
    20 standing calf raises
    40 crunches (switch it up) normal and reverse way. Can use weights for more resistance or medicine ball.
    30 squats (can use dumbbells also)
    10 side crunches (on each side; for oblique’s)

    Do each set 3x; should equal about 30-40 minutes) Between each set, rest one minute and hydrate, then repeat again.

    Happy Sweating!! You will too!!
  • _Ren
    _Ren Posts: 89 Member
    I suggest speed walking on your lunch break. Other ladies in the building that I work at try to get in extra steps by taking a long walk to the rest room or a big loop.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    30 Day Shred-- it's about 20-25 minutes long and is a great workout.

    Can you carpool to get kids to and from activities? That might free up some time for you. Or go for a run while a kid is in an activity. I have a mommy friend who I am her child's watcher during gymnastics each week, while she goes for a run with her little one in a jogging stroller.
  • cedder1
    cedder1 Posts: 139 Member
    What about prepareing lunches/breakfasts the night before, (setting dishes out, making baggies of all lunch items etc.). Crock pot recipes for dinner that will be ready when you get home, etc. What does your job entail? Park farther away and walk a few blocks to work, things like that make a big difference.
  • jyow01
    jyow01 Posts: 123 Member
    My husband works really long and weird hours some days he leaves at 6:30am and does not get home until midnight so he can't always be there to help. I teach in high school so parking farther away is not an option our school is on a road with no business. I do try to use my crock pot but just get tired of the same thing. If anyone has a good crock pot receipe that would be great but my kids are very picky eaters.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'm a mum of 3 also, full time student in my case with 110 mile commute to Uni. Time is short but I watch TV on my exercise bike and do a 30 Minute Shred now too - this works a treat as it's short but hard! lol I do have to mostly do this once the girls are in bed, but Jillian Michaels gets me motivated.
    Trying to fit it in is hard work but it is do-able also you could add things with your kiddies, swimming, walking, even a fun run of your own or something. lol
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    I get up EARLY 4AM 3xs a week and get it in before everyone is awake. Then 3xs a week hubby helps out so I can hit a class and get to the gym for strength training.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I exercise at 4:30-5am every morning. Yes, this cuts into my sleep, but I feel better for it! Grab a few workout dvds and do them at home. If you have to, do them at night before you go to bed (this would make me to wired, but if it works for you, that's the important part!).
    You deserve to make time to exercise. I am a mom also, and I am a better mom when I MAKE time to work out!
  • jyow01
    jyow01 Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks for all of the suggestions will try and put some to good use.:smile:
  • TimeToWork
    I do this series when I don't have time to make it to the Y. You can mix it up anyway you want.

    30 minute circuit training at Home

    30 jumping jacks or jogging in place for 40 seconds
    15 tricep dips (use a sturdy chair)
    15 incline push ups. (use wall) hands positioned so that they are under shoulders. You will feel it more.
    10 sit-ups (old fashioned way) Can use weights as you are coming up or medicine ball
    30 bird dogs (on all fours) YouTube it. It’ll show you how. (Great for abs and legs)
    20 standing calf raises
    40 crunches (switch it up) normal and reverse way. Can use weights for more resistance or medicine ball.
    30 squats (can use dumbbells also)
    10 side crunches (on each side; for oblique’s)

    Do each set 3x; should equal about 30-40 minutes) Between each set, rest one minute and hydrate, then repeat again.

    Happy Sweating!! You will too!!

    Awesome quick routine. Get up early a few times a week like the previous poster suggested. Sleep in your workout clothes to save time in getting ready. You'll be amazed how effective a 20-25 min workout can be. Do you have a planning period at school? Strength work can be done then. Here's another quick routine that can be done a few times a day.

    Beginner Body Workout from

    20 body weight squats
    10 push ups
    20 walking lunges
    10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug, resistance band or anything with a bit of weight to it)
    15 second plank
    30 Jumping Jacks
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    How are you posting on the net if you have no time? You have time, you just need to prioritise your time. I know it sounds like I'm I'm being an idiot but I see this all time, post saying they have no time yet are on facebook or the like for an hour a time...
    Nobody ever came to me and said they had extra time on their hands, so they'd
    like to get fit.

    Nobody has time.
    But everybody has time.

    Here's the disconnect. People either make the time or they do not.
    Your fitness goals are either a priority or they are not.
    And if they are not, then failure is asured.

    That's reality.
    Make the time.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Are you able to take a quick 5-10 min walk at work? I normally do that when I can.

    This is exactly what I thought! Try to force yourself to go out on your lunches...even if it is just for 10-15mins...
    Take the stairs every chance you get too. That does add up at the end of the day.

    Also, if you can get away with it...wear ankle weights while you work or do all your running around. It gives your legs a bit more of a workout.