Counting the calories is making my head hurt!

So this weekend I made an amazing Pot of homemade chicken soup w/ out noodles or rice. just 4 cans of Swanson 99% fat free chicken stock, added water to, 4 med chicken breasts, 1 can of black beans, 1can of beet greens, a bunch of fresh broccoli, carrots, and celery, fresh cracked pepper and Cinnamon to taste. I figure 2 cups is a good serving size. This is what I have been eating for lunches since Saturday, (I like to prepare all weekly meals in one day, because I don't have time in the mornings, with all the hitting of the snooze button and stumbling around the house grumbling,) and its to easy to run over to carols JR across the street if I find my self empty handed and faint w/ hunger. My Problem is I would like to put this in my food diary but have no Idea how to calculate all this. can any one help me? Rely any thing that wasn't in a can I just threw in with out measure cause that's how Mamma rolls in the kitchen!
