My Feb mini challenge

I have been stuck at 304-306lbs for over a month now and im sick of it lol. Im pretty sure iv lost quite a bit in inches, my clothes are alot loser, i just didnt measure myself before i started.

By the end of Feb, i want to be 299lbs atleast, iv been longing to see those numbers for so long!
Please if anyone has time, look at my diary (i think its open to public) and give me any tips! I welcome any kind of help in shifting the pounds!!!


  • Well im actuly down to 303lbs, which i think is great considerings its my TOM. But i would really like some feedback on my food and exercise if anyone could spare a moment.
  • Would really love some advice at this point :(. Im doing the exercise, almost sure im eating ok and the weight just wont move. I doubt im going to get what i wanted by the end of the month but i wont give up, would just like some advice.
  • About all I can say is eat smaller meals more frequently. Three main meals and two snacks in between helps to not over eat during the important meals. And on the subject of important meals, you should make sure you eat a good breakfast! Yeah, yeah, everyone says it, but its true. It is the most important meal of the day:) Don't get too hard on your self too. I'm in the same boat. I feel healthier and nothing is really changing. Just gotta stay positive!!!XD
  • Thanks :), i do try to eat breaky when i can but it being the end of the month we'r running low on foods lol. I have lost .4 lbs since last month which isnt a lot by far but it is a loss and im happy about it considering i ate pretty badly last week!