Okay, two different topics! But its what I have been thinking about...

I have a pedometer that keeps tracks of my steps and my calories burned. Is that something I can enter into MFP at the end of the day? I only wear it during my 8 hour work day.

Emotional Eating. So I never thought I was an emotional eater until my 94 year old grandfather went into the hospital. I ate SO much yesterday i think it calculated to 2000 some calories. I even had taco bell ( :( ) I have no motivation to work out.

Emotional eaters how do you overcome and deal with whats going on without eating like a mad-woman!


  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Re: Emotional eating (also boredom eating)

    Something that works for me. When I find myself wandering into the kitchen looking for something to eat even though I'm not the least bit hungry, I try to find something to do to distract myself.

    1. Go for a walk.
    2. Work on a personal project (i.e. organize my closet, craft projects, organize photos, clean all the base boards in the rest of the house, etc...)
    3. Make the kitchen off limits (as much as possible) until the urge passes.
    4. Put on some upbeat music and dance around the house.
    5. Go for a drive just to enjoy the scenery.
    6. Go to the park or the mall and "people watch".
    7. Hang your scales or tape measure at eye level on or near the entrance to the kitchen as a reminder that you won't win the battle of the bulge by binging.
    8. If you have a supportive friend or family member, give them a call and tell them what's going on. Often, talking out your issues can lift your spirits and help relieve emotional pressure.
    9. Go clothes shopping...even if you don't actually buy anything. It's good exercise, and there's nothing more motivating than trying on clothes that you'd like to wear, but aren't quite comfortable in just yet.
    10. If you believe in the power of prayer, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!