anyone reading Made to Crave?

I have just started reading the book Made to Crave and would love to have some friends who are either reading it as well or already have. I need all the help and motivation I can get!


  • Fancydud
    Fancydud Posts: 5 Member
    I have it on my kindle and have read part of it. Would you like to discuss? I just started working out today, so its perfect timing for me.
  • amandacarrell
    amandacarrell Posts: 5 Member
    I just started reading the book today and joined this website just this week (I have been working out for a few weeks now though), so it's perfect timing!
  • livinafitlife
    livinafitlife Posts: 37 Member
    I have the book and read it almost to the end but I could never finish it. Would put it and pormise myself to finish it. It is a really great book. would love to join in and start back reading the book and finish it this time! lol I think talking about it would be great!
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    I just bought it today and plan to start it tonight. :)
  • TaraMKL
    TaraMKL Posts: 124 Member
    I'm in the middle of it. SUCH a great book!!
  • laurapgmartinez
    laurapgmartinez Posts: 46 Member
    I too am in the middle of it...
  • livinafitlife
    livinafitlife Posts: 37 Member
    would love for you all to add me! To talk about the book and help encourage along the way!
  • livinafitlife
    livinafitlife Posts: 37 Member
    Since we are all in different parts of the book I think we should start from chapter one. You can still continue to read from where you are currently at and maybe skim over the first few chapters again as we talk about it. Maybe every few days we move on to the next chapter, since her chapters are not that long. Just an idea???