

  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Hey here is something I learned over my journey

    females no less than 1200 cals a day
    males no less than 1800 cals a day


    if you eat less your body goes into starvation mode which causes it to store which causes weight gain

    3500 burned cals = loss on 1lb of fat
    3500 cals = 1lb of fat put on

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day is a pretty good amount =)

    Don't call it a diet just be wise on what you put into your body and treat yourself when you meet your goals

    lean meats, red meat and taters 3-4 times in a 2 week period, whole grains keep you fuller longer, heavier meals in the morning, sodium no more than 2400mg a day, fresh fruit and veggies, don't drink you calories, 8+ glasses of water a day, stay away from junk food/fast food/processed food, treat it when you meet your goals, don't eat the samethings daily or do the same workouts or your body will plateau

    you can do it! promise!

    As I tell everyone im honest ill check your food diary and ill give advice
    ive lost a few friends on MFP that wanted advice then couldn't take it and deleted me
    if you want a friend that will help keep you motivated and look at your diary or when you ask me to check things for you and give you honest feed back feel free to add me
    ive been there and done that, it can be done
    That goes for anyone that needs a buddy

    you can do it =)

    Now other things to consider do you have thyroid problems? have you got a blood screening recently to check your vitamin and cholesterol and blood pressure etc levels

    Also check your sodium start tracking it like I said above daily limit is 2400/2500 mg, if you do anymore then that (which most do without realizing it) and they are not getting enough water the body will store what water it gets causing water weight

    Also, egg whites are so much better no cholesterol and lower in cals, add some veggies cause veggies are so good =)

    reason I say eggs, did you know ONE egg has almost your daily amount of cholesterol


    Check your numbers and check your foods make yourself accountable

    it takes 3500 BURNED cals to lose 1lb of fat
    also works within reason to what your eating and if your eating enough

    body's need fuel to fire

    good luck =)

    This is how my weight went.....
    I graduated high school 12yrs ago at 135lbs
    I replaced that habit with food and junk
    I gained 195lbs in the process
    March 2009 I got on track and in 19 months I lost 156lbs
    Then we got buying/selling houses
    I gained some back

    this is my year to get my last 60lbs off, we got this!
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    I looked at your diary and why aren't you tracking sodium and sugars?!!!!
  • junglejd13
    junglejd13 Posts: 55 Member
    Just started with my personal trainer and he insisted that I NOT focus on my weight, and even not weigh myself, but rather focus on keeping track of calories and eating high quality unprocessed foods, and doing cardio/weights at least 4x week. Body Fat vs Muscle Ratio is what is important, you want more muscle and less fat. Also look through the forums and read up on weight lifting, people posted pictures of themselves only weighing 1lb less but their bodies are clearly more toned and muscular because when you have more muscle your metabolism is higher thus burning away more fat.

    Be honest with yourself, track what you eat, workout, keep yourself accountable and don't give up.
    Like others said eat the amount of cal/fat/car/pro whatever that MFP suggests.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    First... track EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE DAY....I looked at your food diary and honestly you are not tracking all day, or at all on some days, my guess is this is where you are having problems.

    second.... if you don't have one get a kitchen scale - I think I paid 14 dollars for mine at Walmart - its digital, it has a tare function and it measured ounces, grams and pounds (which is only nice for recipes)

    third.... quitchyerb!tchen.... seriously your weight didn't go up over night and it sure doesn't just go down over night, remember everyone loses differently. Take measurements and pictures and stop putting everything into a number.

    Make small changes you can live with forever, and don't expect things to change over night... your body will do what it wants to, your weight will fluctuate, you will stay steady, you will lose, and sometimes you will gain... its just the way things go.

    I have been at this for over 2 years... I have lost 1 pound but my blood tests have come back with marked improvements, my measurements have changed and I really just got 100% committed to this whole change... so give it time and be consistent.. you will see the changes eventually.
  • elguapo911
    Put the pills down! They won't help you long term and not good for you. Tnoire is dead on. Make sure you are getting enough food. What kind of excercise are you doing? Don't fixate on pounds. Is your body tightening up? Because if you are doing power type work outs you are going to gain muscle which ways more. For me a good sweaty cardio workout that raises my pulse drops pounds, weight training tightens up.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    exactly! muscle also helps burn more fat and cardio is key factor and you can even mix some weight training in there and elguapo is right it will tighten things up, takes time but remember slow and steady wins the race!

    Biggest loser when I was reading there stuff they mentioned working out 90mins a day 6 days a week sometimes more, is a good thing but on the show they don't have to worry on daily lives, make this time about you doesn't mean start do it tomorrow start slow work on your eating habits a lot of times when you drop the pop and processed and junk and fast food you will be shocked how much the scale goes down then add in exercises 15mins here or 30 there til you build up to what you can do and over time you will get stronger

    another thing I did was write me a list of reasons to lose and the pros behind it

    my biggest having kids!
    living a long and healthy life for my future kids and my hubby and most of all ME!

    post it on the fridge read it every morning when you take your first drink of water/coffee
    memorize it
    goal it
    everytime you wanna hit for a snack
    read it again
    does wonders =)
  • pipipu
    Hang in there the worst u can do is give up!!!
  • deedog007
    deedog007 Posts: 89 Member
    I love this quote ""You can't out exercise a bad diet" .. never heard this before.. but it makes a lot of sense... something i was doing.

    thanks for sharing!!
  • LemonDiva
    Oh dear you've been on MFP for almost a year Is that right? you must be in pain with nothing happening... you seem to have heaps of sensible supportive people wanting to help you... I wonder what you really think is happening?

    You do not need to work hard... just be honest... record what you eat... everything you eat... make your diary private then only you will know... record for one whole day... with absolute honesty...
    Then again the next day see what happens if you do that for one whole week...

    If you go over your calorie allowance think seriously about what you are prepared to drop

    Then think seriously about what you are not prepared to drop... you might surprise yourself
    Drink lots and lots of WATER it works...