Introducing myself with a question!

Hi! I'm new to this site but not the business of weight loss. I get the calorie in/out equation, so one question. My goal is to lose 10 pounds in 5 weeks (I know that's more agressive than is suggested) prior to my golf holiday, so why when I exercise do I get to eat more?? I thought working out was to help you create a greater negative calorie intake to encourage greater weight loss?


  • gatorprof
    I'm no expert, but here is my answer. If you want to lose 2 pounds per week, you need to expend 1000 calories a week more than you eat. Let's take me for example. WIthout exercise MFP says my body uses 2150 calories a day, so to lose 2 pounds a week I would need to eat 1150 calories a day. If I don't exercise, I just eat 1150 calories. But let's say I work out and burn 500 calories. Now my body has used 2650 calories, so to be 1000 calories under my expenditure I eat 1650 calories. There is a lot of controversy on these boards as to whether or not eating way under your calorie goal slows your weight loss. Some people say you can not eat back your calories and just increase your rate of loss, others say not eating enough will slow your metabolism and your weight loss could stop. I think it depends on the person and you have to play a little to see what works for you.
  • cgara
    cgara Posts: 6
    Do you know where I can find out how many calories MFP says my body uses a day? To help me with the math. I also think (hope) you meant that I would need a deficit of 1000 calories/day to lose 2 lbs a week right?
  • gatorprof
    Oops, you're right, it's 1000 calories per day. To see what MFP has calculated for you go to Home and then Goals.
  • cgara
    cgara Posts: 6
    Thanks, I just found it!