
I know I know it is horrible and everyone wants to get rid of it, but will losing weight and exercising help to cut down on the amount of it? It kinda discourages losing weight if my legs are always going to look icky.


  • Sofithomas
    My cellulite has practically all disappeared since starting bikram yoga and eating very cleanly -very limited wheat intake, non processed foods, lots of fish, egg whites and lots and lots of green veg, peppers, raw foods etc. It takes ages but now my cellulite us a shadow of it's former self just from being 'healthy', not just being on a diet.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    It depends. Yes, you will reduce the fat under your skin, however some people are just genetically pre-disposed to it. There are plenty of skinny chicks with cellulite :)

    Make sure you're watching your sodium intake and drink lots of water. That combined with a lot of leg strengthening exercises (lunges and squats are your friend) and a good dose of cardio, you should be able to reduce your cellulite appearance at least somewhat.
  • kieferz
    kieferz Posts: 37 Member
    Hmmm maybe treating myself to the tanning bed might help to "hide" some of the cellulite lol
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    no, don't do it. My husband used tanning beds and got melanoma. He's a survivor, but it's not worth the risk. Exercise, eat right, and your body will get better. It just takes time.