What is YOUR workout routine???

I'm just wondering what workout routines seem to be most effective for you? Currently I workout 3-4 days a week. Run on elliptical for 20 minutes, do 100 crunches, 100 jumping jacks, 2 (60 sec.) planks, and some arm workouts. I want to switch things up, but I'm not sure what else to try. Also - any idea of how many calories you burn per session?? After running, I burn about 200 - I'm not sure if this is good, bad, or average??


  • mcosme25
    I lift weights 3 days a week and cardio twice a week at 5:30am. Then 2-3 evenings a week, I do 45 to 55 minutes of cardio! When I do weights, I take a class called Body Pump. It is a weight lifting class and it is awesome. Check in your local area to see if they offer it at a gym.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Sunday: 1 hour Hot Vinyasa Yoga class
    Monday: 90 minute Hot Yoga Flow class
    Tuesday: Run day: 3-5 miles, plus upper body and ab weight training (varies from day to day what exercises I'll do)
    Wednesday: Either Cardio Kickboxing Class for 1 hour (kicks my *kitten*) or a good 45 mins on the stairmaster, plus my lower body strength exercises
    Thursday: same as Tuesday, but switch up which arm/ab exercises I'm doing
    Friday: REST (unless I don't wanna)
    Saturday: Long run day, usually somewhere between 7-12 miles