Maybe I am just a little crazy but......

I recently started eating mini meals after I realized I was using snacks to often to fill in my calories. But now I feel like I am eating too much even though I am still way under goal, atleast 900. By the time I add my excercise in I end up in a negative net. I do get hungry later but then I feel like I should not be eating anymore because I am already at 1500-1600 calories, again not including any excercise.. ugggggg

The odd thing is this did not happen before.

I joined MFP last year and lost 65 pounds before I screwed it up by letting everything and everyone else take priority.. And last time I would eat close to calorie goal and not worry. Now its like a mortal sin if I eat more than half my alotted goal. And even typing that I know that it's not but I still can't seem to get past that mental block that says 1500 is high enough! Even if I burn 2100 calories in excercise!

I think it may be because I do not have the structured workouts I did last time (and I really need those) that I think I am not doing enough to get the weight off so I am compensating by lowering my calories..

Last time I did Zumba, strength training, swimming, and toning classes but my ankle is not happy when I do zumba and other cardio like the bike or treadmill. (old injuy) I still swim but it's so low impact I still dont feel I am doing enough. I guess I need to feel the burn to feel as if I am making a difference. I don't intend to give up but damned if this is not frustrating!!

Maybe I just need to get over it and get on with it... wish I had the answers.. I am open to and appreciate any suggestions.



  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    Ummm...yeah. I eat a lot. Like 5 or 6 times a day and think about eating more than that. I aim for 1700-2000 a day depending on what my exercise is. It was hard to wrap my head around that it's ok to eat that much, but now I love it. I love not being hungry and the more active I am, the hungrier I am and it all works for me.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Maybe you should see a nutritionist, doctor, or counselor- you definitely need to figure out this mental block and eat more. You should never have negative net calories. Good luck.
  • LM1to2
    LM1to2 Posts: 12 Member
    i agree, totally -

    i did lose a bit of weight last year, like you, but following the actual correct calorie intake... not more, not less - it was hard after barely eating anything at all!

    Since I 'fell off the wagon' , I'm not eating properly, I'm not eating enough, and I've gained weight like CRAZY!!!

    I'm defintely back here for a kick in the @ss and start following the right totals!!!

    If you can't get pass it, I would definitely look into a nutristionst (i saw one last year, was amazing help!) to get you past it!
  • teepuppylove
    teepuppylove Posts: 48 Member
    Hey sweetie!
    I know it can be hard to get past your mental block that if you eat more you will not lose the weight, but part of losing weight is getting healthy and you cannot be healthy when you do not give your body what it needs. MFP works by giving you a net calorie amount to hit and honestly you should be getting close to it every day. I aim for 1800 calories a day, but if I work off 500 calories I try to eat back at least 400 of those. What you are describing is a bit scary because it sounds like you could be working yourself toward an eating disorder. I really hope you can get over your mental block and hope you lose the weight healthfully! *Hugs*


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    Thank you so much for the feed back. I KNOW that what I am doing is wrong. Maybe its only happened more recently because I lost some hours at work due to cut backs and so now I have all this time on my hands and i am over thinking... maybe.

    But I do recognize its not right so I really am hoping to get past it! I have to remember that not eating enough was alot of my problem before especially when combined with eating food with little nutritional value. Seeing all the feed back reminds me that I am not crazy but just need to reevaluate and get back on the right track. I don't think it will come to my requiring counseling but I may definitley look into seeing a nutritionist to help me better understand my bodys needs AND to help balance me out.

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Just a thought, I am not a doctor or professional of any kind, but it sounds like you might be exerting control of one of the few things in your life that you can right now. When things get hectic, stressed and things are beyond my control, I do the same. I stop eatting, or eat all the wrong things, just because it is one thing that I DO control (even if it's wrong). In July 2010, with the help of a doctor, nutritionist and dietician, we came up with a workable plan to get me straightened out. About 2 weeks into the plan I found MFP and it made my "turn around" much easier. I still have the occasional laps when things get crazy, but realizing what is going on helps me to get back on track before it gets too far out of hand again. My suggestion would be to talk to your doctor and hopefully he/she knows someone that can help you.
