Gaining Weight, Losing Inches

Please, please, PLEASE, everyone stop trusting your scale. I haven't weighed myself in a month until this morning, and I'm up 6 lbs. HOWEVER, measurements below:

Weight - 181.4
Waist at smallest point - 32.5"
Waist directly above belly button - 37.5"
Hips - 41"
Upper RIght Thigh - 24.5"
Bust - 39"

Weight - 168.8
Waist at smallest point - 32"
Waist above belly button - 35"
Hips - 38.5"
Upper Right Thigh - 22.75"
Bust - 35.5"

Weight: 170
Waist at smallest point - 31.5" resting
Waist above belly button - 33.5"
Hips - 38.25"
Upper Right Thigh - 21.5"
Bust - 35"

Weight: 174
Waist at smallest point - 31"
Waist at belly button - 32.75"
Hips - 38"
Upper Right Thigh - 20.25"
Bust - 35"

I'm in my third week of Insanity and the results are amazing. I look so much better!! Please stop putting your faith in the scale and TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS! You may not notice a difference in your appearance, but your tape measure will NOT lie to you.


  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    inches don't lie!!!!!!!!!!! woot woot!!!!!
  • WOOP WOOP, fabulous progress!
    hence why I've stopped weighing myself, all I really care about are my measurements.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
  • jcg926
    jcg926 Posts: 38 Member
    Congrats! I'm having a hard time telling myself that the scale isn't as important at times! :)
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    *wholeheartedly concurred* Congrats on busting that fat and not getting caught up with the numbers on the scale!
  • Ilangilang
    Ilangilang Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the info and I will start doing my measurement.
  • thank you for posting this! I will be measuring myself starting tomorrow!
  • missaonetwo
    missaonetwo Posts: 1 Member
    This is so true I used to stress over my weight and get discouraged when it went up or didn't change for weeks until I started finding my measurements that's when I could actually see progress
  • razzyjazz
    razzyjazz Posts: 119 Member
    you are right. My sister lost around 110 in around 15 months and she keeps telling me to measure my inches. I will be amazed how how many inches you loss too
  • So true! I've gained weight over the last month, but I've lost 1.5 inches on my waist! I'm so glad I started measuring or I would have been badly discouraged!
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
  • how often should I take measurements?
  • jcknight82
    jcknight82 Posts: 2 Member
    That is happening to my mom, she is losing fat % gaining muscle %, and gaining weight.

    me.... I have lost weight each week this past week no loss in inches, but still lost 2 lbs.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    The battery in my scale died last week and I decided I wasn't going to replace it any time soon. I just need to get myself a measuring tape, although the waist on my jeans is a pretty good indicator!
  • After a certain point of weight loss, mostly my 70th lb, I stopped losing weight and it changed over to inches, with weight gain. But, at that point, I also started 30 Day Shred and Insanity. So I know I'm adding muscle mass. Not to mention, I've upped my protein intake.
  • how often should I take measurements?

    I do mine once a month - every two weeks if I feel like I need a confidence boost!
  • irishbabe_78
    irishbabe_78 Posts: 60 Member
    Congrats! I'm having a hard time telling myself that the scale isn't as important at times! :)

    me too! congrats!
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I use both as a guide for progress....of course the best indicator is going down a jean size
  • I use both as a guide for progress....of course the best indicator is going down a jean size

    True...I go by the way my jeans are fitting...if I can slip them down without unbuckling them...then I know I'm doing something right!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    OK I have a copy of insanity collecting dust. It looks like I need to get on the bandwagon. :)