Have you lost weight previously and are doing it again?



  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    I lost 40 pounds to begin with and then gained about 20 back. I actually use my first loss as an means of spurring myself on. I just keep telling myself, "I did it once, I can do it again." Let your previous success drive you, not hold you back. It makes a big difference.
  • rsmblue
    rsmblue Posts: 353 Member
    Lost about 70lbs almost 2yrs ago (on sparkpeople.com) and gained all but 7lbs back :(

    I got too comfortable where I was (when I lost the weight) that I didn't think that "one or five or ten...." mattered....

  • halhix
    halhix Posts: 48 Member
    For the first time around, I lost 125 lbs and was in pretty good shape (I was 339 and got down to 214). Work and a couple of family issues came up that made it very hard to keep up with what I was doing. In not time at all I put back on 60 lbs. I'm back on my way hoping to get in better shape. The funny story is that my daughter turned me on the the MFP iphone app to get me started. I've changed up my routines and it seems to be a bit more fun this time around. I wish I had the same goal as I had the last time around. (I took my family to Hawaii for a three week vacation). I'll need to come up with something new. The biggest thing that I realized is that it is easy to put it back on. Losing and maintaining is a lifestyle change.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    I've lost about 50lbs several times. I lose my motivation and before I know it, ive gained the weight back and then some. This time around, my mindset is more about maintenance. I am also working harder this go round. I am seeing results and its keeping me focused. I think right now, what is working the best for me, are the friends I have here on mfp. This go round ive streamlined the number of friends i have. i only keep friends that are actively losing or maintaining their weight. Seems cruel, but its too easy to follow the whole, "i cant find my motivation mindset". Been there, done that. I also joined 2 challenges on here. one is a biggest loser challenge and i am part of a team, so it holds me accountable. the other gave me a coach who has already lost the amount of weight im trying to. My coach and my friends encourage me to do better, to push and seeing the results from that, keep me motivated! good luck on your journey!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Yes.....of course my weight gain is due to my youngest daughter but I gained more weight with her and I'm trying to get to my goal weight so it's harder!!! I'm loving the support!!
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Yep! i went from 130lbs to 200lbs because I hated being skinny. now I'm 180lbs cutting to 160lbs then measuring my BF% hopefully hitting 11%.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    I lost 107 lbs with Medifast several years ago, but gained 60 of it back, which I'm working on now. MF did teach me to eat small meals more times a day, but I came to depend on the packaged food and wanted to eat real world. Now, I'm doing it the right way and definitely need more support because the right way is slower. It's easier to be motivated when losing 5 lbs a week!
  • tinalmanza08
    I think that's every person's dilemma --- fighting over food temptations to lose weight and then after some time find themselves gaining weight again. It happened to me and it can happen to anyone who really really wants to lose weight. I think the more we pressure ourselves in losing weight, the more it becomes difficult to resist threat to our diet and its even difficult to really refrain from eating our favorite foods.

    I discovered that we don't really have to deprive ourselves from eating our favorite foods but we should taste a little of everything. One more technique I have learned is to skip dinner and alternate it with fresh fruit juice. I purchased this really efficient kitchen essential, the juicer, so I wont get tired of peeling off fruits and vegetables. I simply put say apples, carrots and mangoes in the juicer and then, everything's set for me!

    Try juicing fresh fruit juices and it will surely help you out in staying consistent with your diet. http://www.juicerreviews101.com/compare-best-juicers