Is there a way to melt belly fat?

i was just wondering if any one ever heard of a ways to melt belly fat? i know that there are sauna suits out there that can do the same thing and i used to have one considering buying another one because it worked pretty well with exercise. Just wondering


  • nstrampe
    Sauna suits makes you sweat...Sweat is not fat - belly or bum....So don't waste your money...You need to lose fat all over....
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Eat higher calorie diets and have the proper macronutrients.

    Find out what your TDEE and BMR numbers are.

    Take 20% from TDEE for your cutting calories to lose fat.
    Eat at BMR to lose muscle mass.
    Losing muscle mass=fail btw.