The stomach *cue evil music*

Ok so here is my problem....

I consider myself fit,
I have the muscle, built arms chest legs etc....

how ever the issue i have is that last few kgs that sit on the waist that need to hurry up and sod off so i can get more stomach definition... the rest is fine..

Now going down the through train of its diet based and beer based I'm working on that and just a simple calorie count to lose a few kgs with bulk cardio, but anyone else have any other ideas or am i on the right track?

Just double checking.


  • bluefever
    bluefever Posts: 93 Member
    Abs are made in the kitchen.Diet is key.
  • skippyninja
    thats what i thought....

    problem is one of my hobbies is cupcake decorating and thus eating.... (dont ask, its not manly i know but just like... just dont ask, its fun ok! lol)

    but yeah all diet based, good, just making sure im on the right track
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I believe ab definition requires a remarkably low percentage of both body fat and fluid retention. So if you want it, you'll have to be *super* disciplined. The beer will probably have to go... :wink: