How to mix MFP and Boddy Bugg?

I just got my body bugg today. How do I merge the two or mix them? I am adding one meal to BB at th end of the day with all the totals from MFP but how do I get my earned exercise calories into MFP? Maybe I am not seeing the obvious but I don't know how many of the calories from BB i carry over to mFP. Make sense? TIA


  • mammafrog
  • mammafrog
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 399 Member
    this is what I do not sure if it will work for you but...I put my calories on MFP to what Bodybugg says I should eat then if I work out I go onto bodybugg website and find out how much I burned just for that workout and put it in on mfp per exericse then I do as you do, put one meal in at the end of the day on bodybugg for the amount of calories I ate for the day!

    Sorry its not much help but so far the only way I have found to do it!