5 Things I'm thinking today



  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    1. starting a cheesecake business
    2. the day I can leave this office and never look back
    3. how dirty my house is and how much I dread cleaning it this afternoon!
    4. my little cousin had his appendix taken out and I've not called to check on him or anything...according to my mother that is bad
    5. the future...in general....on my mind everyday....wishin, and hopin
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    1. I do NOT want to work out.
    2. I have GOT to go workout.
    3. Why do the dogs constantly have to lay ON TOP of me when I sit or lay on the couch?
    4. I really don't feel like teaching piano this afternoon.
    5. I hope the scale moves down a lot more before Saturday's weigh in.
  • 1. Now I want some peanut butter
    2. I'm off work today, and I have housework and laundry to do but I'm stalling on the computer.
    3. I really hope I get a second job soon. I need money to pay off my student loans (loan rehab program) and get a car
    4. I can't wait to go back to college. I should be able to in the fall or next spring.
    5. Just realized I basically have the same things on my mind everyday.
  • 1. I saw the neighbours dog crap in my yard again this morning - this pissed me off since I've already spoken to him about it.
    2. I probably should have put it in a bag , and lit in on fire on his front step.
    3. I need a fence.
    4. I wish my black coffee tasted like a strawberry milkshake.
    5. " Come on shake ya body baby do that conga... "
  • 1. Why does Research Methods have to be so boring?
    2. I should be studying right about....now. Nope.
    3. Why does my cat always step on my computer?
    4. I'm hungry. But I don't know what to eat.
    5. I wish it was the weekend!
  • jezlightyear
    jezlightyear Posts: 167 Member
    1. i like him!
    2. i wish i didn't care so much
    3. i'm glad i'm healthier than her, how can she live her life like that?!?
    4. i think i'll start cycling to work once the weather gets better (:
    5. HUNGRY (i think waking up at 5.30am has made me extra hungry today)
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    1. How can the gas station be *totally* out of Diet Coke. Seriously?
    2. I am seriously having a moment with my Reese's Dark Peanut Butter Cups...mmmmm
    3. Work seems impossible on Wednesdays.
    4. I totally can't wait for my end-of-level-one-of-30DS with pics! I can see the difference in my tummy!
    5. Is it Friday yet??
  • pocket_bunnie
    pocket_bunnie Posts: 2 Member
    1. I'm at work and I have to finish an essay before its due in class tonight... and by finish I mean start.
    2. I'm at work and horny...
    3. I seem to think of everything else I need to do outside of work while I'm at work, especially when there are no customers walking into the branch.
    4. I can't wait to get my avocado roll for lunch. And caffeine. I've been awake since 5am and won't be sleeping until around midnight.
    5. Sometimes life just feels like it's on "rinse and repeat." I need to do something that makes me feel more alive. (might be part of the horny feeling).
  • 1. Every time it rains, I'm wearing either white shorts or a white top.
    2. Where can I get a REALLY good curry goat recipe?
    3. I think the postman heard me call him "Sexual Harassment Postman" - but I mostly don't care.
    4. If they don't get someone to fill this woman's position already, I'm going to fcking lose my mind.
    5. *circus music*

    But I mostly dont care hahaha love it.
  • hotmama1174
    hotmama1174 Posts: 109 Member
    1.How to let go of this frustration (so not worth it)
    2. My body building plan (gotta get ready fro Belize)
    3. Hanging with the girls tonight (so needed)
    4. How to have a needed conversation today
    5. To go or not to go (I have a function this weekend)

  • 1. How to put myself to sleep (its midnight here already & I'm still not yet sleepy)
    2. My application for Canadian tourist visa
    3. When can I go to Mexico?
    4. When will I ever meet Mr. Right?
    5. I want to get rid of my stubborn belly fat
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    1) Guys movie night tonight. Son is coming with. Gonna see The Grey...

    2) Why did my barber have to be on vacation this week. I need a haircut now!

    3) That truck for sale down the street looks pretty sweet. I wonder how many miles it has on it?

    4) Why won't this software program I'm writing do what it's supposed to do?

    5) This Saturday is gonna be crazy fun!!
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    DeenaSteelerGirl Posts: 421 Member
    1. Can't wait to take a ride a lunch to get out of office for a bit.

    2. Why my refund tax money is not in my account at bank, hope it is there by Friday.

    3. Hope I get home before 8:00 tonite from visiting grandma

    4. What should I get out at Burger King tonite for dinner (my boys choice) Veggie burger .. salad ?

    5. I should get off computer and do some work, but just not into the whole work thing.
  • 1. I wonder if the IRS is as excited about receiving a check from us as we used to be when we would receive a check from them?
    2. I miss my kids and my husband. Being gone every night sucks.
    3. I hope my calorie burn hasn't really dropped that much. I know it drops when you get fit, but I'm not ready for it to drop that much yet.
    4. I need to take a potassium supplement.
    5. Boxer dog=air putrification system.
  • 1. Why do they continue sending me Brides magazines in the mail when I'm neither engaged or in a relationship?
    2. I don't want to sit in the dark, but this fan light is killing me.. choices..
    3. I want some sushi.
    4. Jeeze my nails are tacky. Fingernails are all pink.. but the toes are orange and mint sorbet. I hope I don't have to take off my shoes in front of anyone anytime soon.
    5. I wish a money truck would explode outside my house..with money in tact. That'd be schweeeet!
  • 1. not ready to be at work
    2. I wish people would work when they are actually here putting in time
    3. I ache in every joint I have
    4. I hope hubby fixes a good dinner - really hungry today
    5. just shut up
  • 1. How is my stomach stil tan from the summer? I haven't been in the sun since August.

    2. I have a random soreness right between my shoulder blades and if someone punched me there I think it would feel better. Workout should be fun today.

    3. Why do boys lie?

    4. I need to clean off my nightstand.

    5. A long inner debate about whether I should do housework today or work on some writing. I'll spare you the details.
  • 1. First topic at tonight's trivia: 1990's WWE Wrestlers - I know nothing about this.
    2. I need some Arizona green tea.. think I'll buy that in about 15 minutes
    3. Do I have time to go to the gym before trivia tonight? Hope so!
    4. Are my arms strong enough to go rock climbing on Saturday?
    5. Why did I sign up to chaperone a middle school dance this week?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    my run later on today
    the show i'm going to tonight and what i should wear
    whether i'll be at work tomorrow or not
    watching radiostar (80's cover band!!!!) again later on in the month
    going to sephora later today for my very 1st red lipstick

    life is good when these are the things on my mind!! :drinker:
  • 1. I'm gonna have to pick up some food for my boyfriend to eat for breakfast tomorrow...
    2. I get to try Zumba for the first time tomorrow!
    3. Thinking about buying my new sports bra and HRM this weekend :)
    4. My colleague's made me some green tea to try, and I really don't like it!
    5. Job hunt. :(