How do I eat more?



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Have a small protein shake before your workout and a full shake after. Your body doesn't get as full off of liquid calories as real food. Try adding healthy fat to your shake/meals like ground flax, organic coconut oil, avocado or virgin olive oil.

    I actually find I'm fuller of liquid calories. Suppse everyones different. Also 1300 calories is fine even with exercise if you have quite a bit of weight to loose a bigger deficit is fine. Three dieticians have given me this advice. I eat more if I'm hungry, if I'm not I don't. Stupid forcing it if you don't need it. You only need to eat calories back when your near goal as when your overweight your body will break down fats, when your slim it breaks down your muscles instead. X