Hello Everyone!

Hi there, my name is Liz and I'm 28 years old and just started MFP this past Monday. I have struggled with weight loss mainly for the last 6 years and I'm finally ready to really push myself and get as healthy as I possibly can. My big motivation is to prepare my body for pregnancy for sometime later this year (early to mid summer). I've been married to my husband, Mark for almost a year and half and we're finally ready to take the steps to starting a family, except I refuse to start trying until I get my weight under control. I want to feel good about myself again and to have a healthy place for my future babies to live for 9 months. :wink: I'm currently at my highest weight of 184 lbs. I would love to lose 55 lbs, but will be happy to at least lose 40 lbs.

I'm really looking for anyone who may be in the similar spot that I'm in or anyone who just wants to be each others motivation! Support is always key when it comes to weight loss and I could use all the support I can get!! :smile: