Give me one reason....



  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    To be able to run bases with my daughter during softball practice and not feel like I am going to kill over before I get to 2nd base.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    The husband and I are planning to have kids in the next 2-3 years. I want to not only be fit to carry kids but want to be there long after.

    Plus I just want to run. I love running and I want to be one of those people who can run without thinking.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    to prolong my able bodied life (due to be in a chair in 5 years time)

    That sounds terrible. All the best to you.

    Agreed, I hope you are doing okay.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    Most of life has been spent taking care of old and infirmed parents,now that I can have a life of my own I need to not slowly kill myself with alcohol and lazy behavior.

    I'm sorry for your loss or what emotions that took you through.
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    I lost my father back in August and one thing that he always wanted was for me to get the weight off and get into shape. I'm not only doing this for myself & my children, but I am doing it for him.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    I lost my father back in August and one thing that he always wanted was for me to get the weight off and get into shape. I'm not only doing this for myself & my children, but I am doing it for him.

    That is beautiful. I lost my mom to a brain aneurysm when I was 13 and my husband lost his father to a drunk driver when he was 11. I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    -I want to feel confident
    -Easing my way into dating
    -Just because I want to feel healthy :)
  • bethb4
    bethb4 Posts: 48
    To enjoy life as fully as possible... to not shy away from social events that could be full of fun and laughter and result in great memories simply because i feel fat and have nothing to wear.
  • sportsjunkee70
    sportsjunkee70 Posts: 173 Member
    - To love myself. I am tired of having a low self esteem
    - So I can actually find a date
    - To feel healthy and live a longer life
  • xo_morgan
    So I have nicer looking knees. (Seriously, they are the bane of my existence.)

    OMG...theres this lady at my work who always wears skirts with high boots..all you can see are her knees. me & one of my friends always say..."oh she has gorgeous knees" jokingly bc we've never heard someone say they liked/hated their knees...i will so have to tell her this :tongue:
  • peacek
    peacek Posts: 211
    look at my photographs and feel good :happy:
  • sdlr4592
    I want my husband to be able to lift me so that we can do all those great swing dances I love.
  • GreenEyedGrl86
    To live a longer healthy life. Help combat my bad genetics (heart disease, cancer, and diabetes all run in my family), I want to get married and have kids someday.
  • TweedleDebo
    TweedleDebo Posts: 423 Member
    I want my husband to be able to lift me so that we can do all those great swing dances I love.

    I sooooo want to learn to swing dance, but there is no way at the weight that I am right now that I would EVER have the guts to take a class.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Some funny, some serious... :wink:

    -wearing high heels :bigsmile:

    -painting my own toenails without getting cramps :laugh:

    -being able to have amazing sex :embarassed:

    -not having to stick my chin out when having my pic taken :grumble:

    -sneezing without feeling like I'm gonna throw my back out

    -actually jogging most of the 5k I've signed up for in Dec :happy:

    -taking pants off without having to shove them past my calves :ohwell:

    -putting tennis shoes on without having to prop my leg up on the bed, trash can, etc. :indifferent:

    -moving back home next year and having people's jaws drop (my fave one) :noway:
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Because I want to do what I love and look good doing it!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    To look good nakkid! :bigsmile:
  • GrahamBarwick
    I did it because i was sick of been unhealthy, out of breath when i did something with my daughter and was fed up of my man boobs and fat gut.

    So thats why i got fit and toned up and oh how very different my life is now :happy:
  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    To live longer!
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    I am seeking full balance - emotional, mental, and physical - the healthy lifestyle is giving me what I need to do so.

    I 100% agree!!! It's all about balance and starting my healthy habits now.
    I want to be 90 years old and run, swim, jump, etc...