Thinking of switching from Weight Watchers

I'm currently on weight watchers, but am thinking of switching to myfitnesspal, for various reasons. I was wondering if anyone has made this switch, and had good success?


  • MISSMILL3405
    MISSMILL3405 Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on Weight Watchers and just about every other diet you can think of. LOL! Even though I did have good results from their program I think I'm more comfortable with doing MFP. In my personal opinion I feel you have to be more dedicated on your own and the accountability of this program is more on yourself then in a group setting BUT I think it works much better for me and once you get some friends for the support it does help. I guess all and all you might as well try it and if you don't like it you can always go back to Weight Watchers. Good luck to ya and happy losing or maintaining. :)