Help: Piercings and Working Out



  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    Mine started to migrate forward, which got painful and eventually had to be removed. This was after about 10 years, so I hope yours aren't starting to do that also. I'd second the body glide idea. I have to put that on all the sensitive skin on my chest when I run any long amount of time.

    Migrating ugh that used to terrify me. I hope it's not doing that. I think someone is just punching my piercing while I sleep.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 390 Member
    Women without nip piercings (myself included) get nipple rash from running. They make a product called body glide. It is like a stick of deoderant and you rub it anywhere you want to prevent chaffing. I would assume this would also work for a pierced area. Also, I get blisters when I run and my doc said Band Aids are a big no no as they further cause irritation and blisters do to the cotton absorbing piece rubbing, which is no different then a sock. Band Aid makes a blister bandage which is all plastic and gel like. works wonders on my feet...not sure about how it would work on the ta tas!

    I was seriously going to recommend the blister bandage too. lol. I don't know if it would work well or not either, but it sure is like a second skin on my heels that are thin due to having stitches on both before so now I can't wear any shoes with heels without them. (I usually wear sandals all year round even though it is currently at freezing temps-but with my heels I just can't wear much else!)

    Would moleskin work? At all I'm just running with ideas.
  • DawnVanHaaften
    DawnVanHaaften Posts: 11 Member
    that's pretty much what the bandages I put on my feet are. I'm just wondering though if the skin around the nipple can take such a "tough" bandage. but hell. it's worth a shot right? ;) I mean, if you can stand the pain of the piercing at all, then you can stand this experiment right? I would just worry about a tougher bandage I guess on and off on and off and then irritating the sensitive skin around the nipple. hmmmm tough call. BUT. if you CAN remove every workout, that would probably be best. Annoying I know, but it would really be the best I would think. Also. I agree with the no peroxide. Sea salt soak is the best!
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    My husband had his pierced and he'd just bandaid them up before going on a jog or whatever. He eventually had to take them out..his nip is now a little deformed.

    If I were you, I'd just take it out during your workout and put it back after you've showered and what not.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Thank you!

    Last night I took out the piercing cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and warm water covered the pierced area with neosporin and just put the piercing back in (after a dip in alcohol) which sucked but I'll just keep cleaning it and I'll definitely start covering it better. Do band-aids keep sweat out even if all you have are pirate band-aids? Because apparently all I have are pirate band-aids. i might go to the store and find something better.

    You shouldn't clean a piercing with hydrogen peroxide. My piercer told me it erodes the skin, and doesn't help at all, it dries out the skin/kills white blood cells. I have always swore by sea salt or wound wash... 25 piercing later and those two things have always worked for me! When I was younger I messed up my belly button ring using peroxide, it never healed and now I have a ugly scar from it. (I know you're piercing is healed but if it is irritated drying it out and irritating it more will just make it worse )

    I use the hydrogen peroxide ON the jewelry not my skin. It helps to break up any build up on the jewelry, mine is a bar with skulls so there's lots of nooks and crannies. I use antibacterial soap, Aquaphor and neosporin on my actual "wound." I've had it for 12 years, I'm not crazy :)

    Oh good! I just took what you said the wrong way. Hope you find a way to make it more comfortable at the gym c:
  • Anolte76
    Anolte76 Posts: 105
    If you can remember I would recommed taking them out. Mine started to migrate out after all the rubbing. I've had them repierced 4 times now and can't seem to keep them pierced.
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    If you can remember I would recommed taking them out. Mine started to migrate out after all the rubbing. I've had them repierced 4 times now and can't seem to keep them pierced.

    I've thought about repiercing mine as well, but I don't have the patience for healing like I used to. What really bums me out, all of my favorite old piercings close up, but my stupid eyebrow ring from 16 years ago is still wide open.
  • seanian
    seanian Posts: 103
    As guy I've never had this issue this is the 2nd time I've had my nipples pierced (took em out years ago) I've had them for litterally a month if that. I just wear a loose moisture wicking shirt and soak them in a sea salt solution after the shower. I didn't have any issues with rejection or migration then and I don't know either.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Thank you!

    Last night I took out the piercing cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and warm water covered the pierced area with neosporin and just put the piercing back in (after a dip in alcohol) which sucked but I'll just keep cleaning it and I'll definitely start covering it better. Do band-aids keep sweat out even if all you have are pirate band-aids? Because apparently all I have are pirate band-aids. i might go to the store and find something better.

    We buy 3M bandages which are waterproof fantasticness. They will definitely keep the sweat out AND stay put while you work out.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I use to have a belly piercing, i did a sit up and it flew right out of my belly leaving a lovely scar over my belly button lol.. -_-
    When it comes to exercise and piercings, be VERY careful, no matter were there placed..

    I would be thinking maybe the discomfort and swelling is due to how your sweat reacts with the material of the stud / ring thing you have.. Or maybe sweat is getting trapped within the piercing, and your getting an infection because of it.. (not saying your not clean, its just very hard to clean inside a piercing..).
    I would recommend going to a doctor.. or cleaning all around the piercing after each workout.
  • What about getting a clear flexible retainer to put in its place while you work out since the metal may also be reacting with your skin and sweat, etc? Might also be better for healing while your nipple is sore and yet keep the piercing open.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    Maybe try a nipple cover, they make them for nursing women. It lifts your bra away from your skin to allow healing. Marathoners can have issues as well, a lot of them use vaseline under a bandaid.
  • Anolte76
    Anolte76 Posts: 105
    If you can remember I would recommed taking them out. Mine started to migrate out after all the rubbing. I've had them repierced 4 times now and can't seem to keep them pierced.

    I've thought about repiercing mine as well, but I don't have the patience for healing like I used to. What really bums me out, all of my favorite old piercings close up, but my stupid eyebrow ring from 16 years ago is still wide open.

    By the 4th repiercing it really hurt because they had to go deep behind the scar tissue. I would love to have them done again but not worth the waste of money. I went through a stage of letting mine all close up...started with the eyebrow but you can still see the mark. I have one left and it only bothers me on certain exercise bikes.......
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member

    I have one left and it only bothers me on certain exercise bikes.......

    Yeah, I think I have the same kind ;-) Mine doesn't 'bother' me so much as motivate me to get on the bike in the first place. Anything to make it more entertaining....
  • TheAliCrock
    TheAliCrock Posts: 18 Member
    I'm surprised no-one's suggested making sure you've got a really good sports bra to minimise bounce as well, or has that just been taken as read? :)
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Thank you!

    Last night I took out the piercing cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and warm water covered the pierced area with neosporin and just put the piercing back in (after a dip in alcohol) which sucked but I'll just keep cleaning it and I'll definitely start covering it better. Do band-aids keep sweat out even if all you have are pirate band-aids? Because apparently all I have are pirate band-aids. i might go to the store and find something better.

    I was told not to use peroxide or alcohol on piercings, but rather use dial antibacterial soap... Not sure why, but a professional told me this when I got my navel pierced the second time. You might try that. Good luck. None of my piercings interfere with my exercise, so I can only imagine how annoying that must be.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you so much for this post. I've been working out daily since December, and my right nipple has been super irritated- I thought it was infected, but I wasn't doing anything differently. Now I try to shower right after my workout when I can, and I use a salt rinse almost daily. It's a pain in the *kitten*, but I love my piercings!

    Speaking of piercings, since this is apparently the popular place for it, I want to go from a circular barbell to a straight barbell: is this going to hurt or anything? I can't really imagine that it would, but then again, my nipples were never this sensitive pre-piercing.
  • I have been experiencing the same problem and found that if you take them out when you shower then put them back in it helps. i asked my friend who does piercing for a living he told me to switch to organic bars and the pain should go away..

    Hope this helps
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Removing a nipple piercing when irritated is not the best idea. Besides, even when not irritated is a pain to put it back on unless you have a taper. That's not to mention that go thru that process every day or time you workout is a pain... and not in the nipple LOL.

    Taping it would be the best idea in my opinion. You might want to put something in between the tape and the nipple to avoid the irritation getting worse when you remove the tape.

    I know some dancers use some kind of a nipple cup or cover (I don't know how they're called) that might keep certain space between it and the nipple, that will avoid direct contact with it, when using a sports bra.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 396 Member

    I have one left and it only bothers me on certain exercise bikes.......

    Yeah, I think I have the same kind ;-) Mine doesn't 'bother' me so much as motivate me to get on the bike in the first place. Anything to make it more entertaining....

    Been wanting to do this one for a while, but too chicken.