help please!

Hey guys!

I need your help! I went off the pill over last summer and gained a few pounds. I'm a teacher so I was off schedule so I assumed some of it was from that. I have not been able to lose my weight from the summer and I gained 5 pounds last week. Now I KNOW there is no way I gained 5 pounds last week (worst day was the Superbowl party last Sunday) because I eat very healthfully and work out regularly. I eat around 1600-1700 calories a day. My weight steadily went up all week. I am now up 10 pounds from where I was before last summer. This is so disheartening. I also gain water weight every 2 weeks (around 2 pounds) and it takes me at least a week to lose that. I yeah I know it's water weight but when I gain water weight I have to work VERY HARD to make it go away. My clothes are tighter than I would like right now.

Has anyone else ever had this problem? I nearly cried when I got on the scale this morning. I haven't been this weight in about 2-3 years and I feel I am doing everything right. For someone my size 10 pounds is HUGE!

Thanks for the help!