Someone decode this "eat your workout calories back" shiz fo



  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    I ate around 1900 calories yesterday. (I think, you can look at my diary) I worked out a boatload, tuesdays are my crazy days. I teach an intense workout class 1 hour, ran 5 miles and played volleyball. (half marathon training) I have been working really hard on eating back my workout calories as I wasn't eating back many. I lost 3.3 lbs this week after a weeks of nothing. I'm almost to my goal weight, but I have been stalling out. I'm sold on trying to eat back the majority of my workout cals. It's not that I didn't realize that my body needs fuel, it's just now I'm being really mindful to do it.


    Nice! I am working on doing the same thing. It's crazy what a transition it is! Congrats on the loss, I hope I see one next week. I stayed the same this week but was down 1lb last week. At the very least, I hope to find my true maintenance intake, so that I can better calculate the correct deficit to lose without stalling out again! Good work, lady!
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Nice! I am working on doing the same thing. It's crazy what a transition it is! Congrats on the loss, I hope I see one next week. I stayed the same this week but was down 1lb last week. At the very least, I hope to find my true maintenance intake, so that I can better calculate the correct deficit to lose without stalling out again! Good work, lady!

    Way to go!!!! I don't really care about the scale to much after my experience last fall with marathon training. I didn't lose an ounce, but went down a dress size. BUT, you still want to see some movement somewhere. I am convinced that I just wasn't eating enough. I need to get a HRM to really judge my cals burned, but I'm with you, trying to find my true maintenance intake. Keep up the booty kickin'!

    (somehow I screwed up the quote....)
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Weight isn't the best measure of fitness which is why I think it shouldn't be used as a goal.

    I agree, but I can't adopt the mentality of "go by how your clothes fit" : )

    Measure! Measure! Measure!

    I know people who are 5'4"ish who wear a size 4 at 150, 135 and 125.

    At the end of the day, who cares what the scale says if your body looks the way you want it, even if the scale is higher.
  • Got it!!!!! I will aim to hit the net of 1200 and see if that makes a difference. There are days that my net is at around 600-800...ugh...

    Dude, i second that 'ugh' because I was doing that for months. When I started thinking in terms of 'net', I realized there were some days when I was (no joke) netting like 300 cals. When you think about that being the equivalent of sitting on your butt at home, doing nothing, and only eating 300 calories for the day... that sounds pretty insane, disordered, etc, right? That woke me up. It took my nutritionist yelling at me (gently, but still exacerbated), and making this revelation in my own head to get me ready and willing to eat up to and over 2000 on days I work out. That sounded like gorging myself, and it was hard at first, but my workouts are better and the scale is slowly moving in the right direction. It took a long time, though, since I was eating 1300-1400 and burning 500-1200 a day for a very long time.

    LOL! Disordered is a great word for it! :laugh:
    Ok, I am on a mission..... : ) Thanks!
  • I ate around 1900 calories yesterday. (I think, you can look at my diary) I worked out a boatload, tuesdays are my crazy days. I teach an intense workout class 1 hour, ran 5 miles and played volleyball. (half marathon training) I have been working really hard on eating back my workout calories as I wasn't eating back many. I lost 3.3 lbs this week after a weeks of nothing. I'm almost to my goal weight, but I have been stalling out. I'm sold on trying to eat back the majority of my workout cals. It's not that I didn't realize that my body needs fuel and I always know I can eat the workout cals, it's just now I'm being really mindful to do it.


    I will EAT to that! : ) Thanks!
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member

    First time I saw this and I totally expected a calculator to punch in my weight, height, gender, age, blah blah blah.
  • Get yourself a HRM. That is a good way to gage.

    M, do you use yours? I check my HR during my P90X and Insanity workouts and it's at least 140-160...but I don't know what to make of it. : )

    Try this:

    You need to know your average heart rate and length of exercise.

    Thanks! Is there an APP for that? : )
  • so, if your body at rest burns 1300 calories a day you need to eat 1300 just to survive. Then if you exercise and burn 300 calories, you will need to eat 300 more calories to provide for the calories burned. Basic rule, you need to eat fuel to burn fuel. You can't have a fire without wood~!
  • It is never a good thing to do but I seem to do it. Ugh. Did this great yoga class for an hour then, yup, you guessed it...went home and ate ice cream. ha ha Oh well today is another day.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Though it may not work for everyone, my proof is in my ticker and pictures. 50lbs down in a year and kept off, til now of course, but that's cause I'm pregnant..
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I find that I have to eat my calories back. I'm too darn hungry to let those go to waist. I have 500 cal/day deficit, and it would be close to 1000 if I didn't eat them back. I'm averaging over a pound a week this way.
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    i don't eat mine.
  • EAT. THEM.

    MFP has a deficit already worked into your net, so if you hit it exactly, you are at the right deficit to lose without stressing your body and metabolism out, which causes weight loss to stall. So even if you burn 1000, and you are eating 2200 to hit your net of 1200, you are STILL at a deficit. Less sometimes is NOT more. Sometimes it means more on the scale. Not kidding. I have been there.


    Got it!!!!! I will aim to hit the net of 1200 and see if that makes a difference. There are days that my net is at around 600-800...ugh...

    I was going through the same thing! I was running a ton, and evne when I ate a lot, my nets were a scary 600 to 800... But I didn't really think about it because I was still eating a "lot" (upwards of 2000+ calories some days, it's just that I was running, say, 10 or 12 miles that day too.) I didn't lose ANYTHING. Last week I figured I should try this whole 1200 net thing again and guess what, I'm FINALLY losing after weeks.

    YMMV, but remember, if 1200 net only creates a 300-calorie deficit for you, that probably means you are close to your goal already so the weight is just gonna come off more slowly. Enjoy the fact that you aren't overweight and are in the lucky position of only losing weight that you *want* to lose, not necessarily medically *need* to lose, you know? Good luck!! :)
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    It doesnt work because your body goes into starvation mode and tries to hang on to all of its fat stores. Its a great survivial mechanism when you go through times of plenty and times not so plenty when hunting in the woods. But now that we have all the food available to us all the time, our bodies dont know that and still kick into survival mode when it is not sure when the next meal is coming. If you up your calorie intake .... and preferably eat every 2-3 hrs, then your body will learn that there is always food coming and it will try to use it up before its next meal. Remember our bodies are made of hormones working together and a fine tuned system that wants to survive, not a mathmatical equation. Hope this helps at all and good luck!


    This!! i can lose as much, but normally more if i eat 1400 calories+ vs. 1200.